Expansion Activity Eleven: Empowerments Archives 5-8

Session Five

Speak this Zau Kai Ram empowerment from the Ascension Manual out loud.

Reclaiming Your Power

I call upon the Ascended Masters to surround me in a golden light and a pure white column of Love-Light

for the assistance of the purification of any cellular memory that arises in relation to anything negative I

may be experiencing and especially in relation to disempowerment. Become aware of each cell in your

body beginning to open to the Divine Presence of your being as they anchor this white column of

ascension Love-Light through you and fill you with the golden Christ light.

Breathe and just receive as you attune to your cells expanding, and as you do this, you will begin to release

any old energies from your cellular memory. Create your own connection to Inner Earth Core and Central

Sun by sending the golden light down as a tube into the Earth core. Breathe it up then through your

chakras as a tube and send it up through the sun to a larger central sun.

I ask that my chakras open through this tube of light. I Breathe now as the Galactic

Sun begins to feed me the energies of Source frequency from the Central Sun and all

begins to release and transmute through to the Inner Earth. I Breathe now and I

call for my God Presence to merge with me as I sound the God Presence mantra 13



I now ask that my God Presence cleanse all my chakras, AnTaKaRaNa, meridians,

cells, and bodies of all energies in dissonance to the natural resonance of my soul

signature. Breathe and release. I call now for the cosmic white fire from the column

of light to spiral through each of my power crystals in my chakras, cleansing,

purifying and assisting the grounding of these sacred gifts into my chakras. Each of

the crystals at this time will begin to release soul gifts as packages of love and light

through your consciousness.

I Breathe now and allow myself to expand by seeing my heart flame glowing and

growing larger and filling all my emotional, mental and spiritual bodies around my

physical body. I now send love into each of my bodies and then into my physical

body. I Give thanks for all in my life and focus my heart flame through each of my

power crystals. Allow yourself to be aware that these are golden crystals that lay in the

base of each of your chakras. They are many faceted and grow as you consciously reclaim

your true power to love all each day.

I breathe now and ask that all beings karmically bound to me, be present with me

now. Become aware of a circle of beings around you and that each of these beings holds,

or has held karma with you. I breathe now and ask these beings to release me through

forgiveness and I call for any power that I have given them or shared with them, to

return to me now. I ask you all to recognize your own divinity and your own

connection to Source, your own power.

Breathe and receive, and recognize also that you hold energy of others that you may

release to them now. I call to all beings that I have held power for in previous lives,

this life or any other space, time and dimension and I give permission for my God

Presence to reinstate the energies that I have been holding for them - their power.

Breathe in as you intend to release any energies you have been holding for these ones. I

offer forgiveness to you all and I ask you all to forgive all that has occurred through

all time, space and dimensions that has separated you from your power and your

own connection to Source. As this occurs, a wheel of golden Love-Light will spin

through you and through all aspects of your being and will also be offered to all others in

the circle with you. Breathe and connect to your wholeness that is known as your Divine


I ask that all be restored into the wholeness I truly am and I ask all memories to

release through the star grids to Source. I call for everyone to receive that which I

receive, all in my family, my friends and all on Earth and I ask that I may be a

vehicle for the divine healing of all on Earth as a divine vehicle for the power of

God/dess’s love. I ask that the embodiment of this love be manifest through every

cell of my being, every chakra and body of my being and that this love radiate out to

all beings.

Each day we ask you to work in this way with your crystals of power and each day you will manifest a

higher power quotient. As this increases, be aware that all you say and think will manifest powerfully as

your power as a co-creator will increase. Be responsible for all that comes your way as your own creation,

and release and

Session Six

Speak this Zau Kai Ram empowerment from the Ascension Manual out loud.

Session Seven

Speak this Zau Kai Ram empowerment from the Ascension Manual out loud.

Session Eight