Expansion Activity Ten: Guided Journeys Archives 1-4

Session One

Take a moment and allow yourself to breath deeply into the soles of your feet. Do it again and see the breath moving beyond down into the ground, connecting you to Source, Mother Earth. Close your eyes. Shrug your shoulders and roll your head  and allow all stress to release into the earth and into the ethers. Breathe again and invite the prana to fill up the places where the stress vacated.

Invite yourself to be fully in your body. Drop in breath by breath. See yourself with a flashlight shining on areas within that have not been clear for so very long. Allow the light to diminish any energy or substance that you sense or see. Call the breath to sweep through like the wind sending all out into the Earth.

Now speak your true birth name, first, middle, and last seven times as you make quarter turns to honor the seven directions.

Look around and notice there are places with colored light. These are places that are calling you. Notice the colors. One by one visit them and touch the color with your right hand.  Notice what happens. Bring your attention to your heart as you stand touching the color and invite a flow of high frequency Love to sweep out and into it, dissolving anything that is ready to be released. See yourself breathing into it with the intention of blessing it into a state of clean and healthy. Intuit a word that must be planted in the tissue there. Speak your true name and add “It is time to be home”. Remove your hand and speak, “And so it is”.

Do this for each of the colored lights you see. At the conclusion of all see them all glowing in a single color, gold, or pink or silver, or…

Breathe again and speak these words out loud

From the Divine Love that flows within my Being,

 I am prepared and I accept the full integration of my Divinity  throughout my Being.

I acknowledge and honor  all parts of my Being

that have supported my journey in my physical experience,

and I  transmute those thought forms which no longer serve me into Unconditional Love.                                                   

I transmute all energies that would interfere with my ability

to declare my freedom and proclaim my Divinity,

into the divine expression of Creative Love,

and activate the Golden Light of Transformation

throughout the totality of all that I am.

And so it is

Now breathe and bring your focus to your heart center. Expand it outward to fill you up and bring you back to the now moment. Open eyes and focus on anything. Name it. Turn to another. Name it. Make an audible sigh and then speak the words…”and so it is”

Session Two

Awakening the Inner Shaman Guided Journey

Tools and Resources

The Inner Shaman’s task, in addition to awakening you to the truth of who you are, is to manage a tiny node in the upper right quadrant of the heart called the sino-atrial node. This node holds the electrical impulse that starts and keeps the heart beating when you are an embryo and an infant. As you grow into adulthood, electrical impulses emanate from many places in the heart. Yet within the sino-atrial node there remains a tiny portal to what shamans call the Spirit World— which, invisible to the naked eye, is also known as the quantum field described by physicists.

The Spirit World contains the blueprints or archetypal plans for everything that ever was, is, or will be. In the Spirit World, everything is available but is as yet unmanifested. It takes a focused consciousness, such as that of a human being, to intend something in order for it to become a physical manifestation. What propels things into being is intention, attention, and strong emotion. If we are not careful, we can manifest things we are afraid of, because the Spirit World reads resistance the same way it reads desire. According to shamanic wisdom, what you resist is what you become. And be careful what you pray for, because you will manifest it sooner or later! The capacity to dream something into being is an awesome responsibility that deserves respect. Our consciousness makes human beings co-creators with Spirit; the center of this creative activity is in the human heart. This is why many pictures of Jesus and Mary show them pointing to their hearts, and why the order of Sufis, the mystic tradition within Islam, has as its symbol a heart with wings.

The sino-atrial node— the tiny portal in the heart closest to the middle of your chest— contains three filaments, invisible to the naked eye, infinitely finer than the strands of a spider’s web. Like fiberoptics, these filaments carry an enormous load of information and power. Their job is to transport three key components from Spirit directly into your heart for distribution through your DNA. The first is truth, or the intelligence of the universe. Your body has the intelligence of the cosmos within it, because truth is piped directly into it via your heart. The second is love, also known as magnetism, which is the force that attracts and holds your form together so that your body has integrity; this is the same force that holds planetary systems and galaxies together. And the third is power, the pure energy that animates you and allows you to carry out all your decisions, actions, and movements. This is what we have already referred to as the action component of God— in the Christian and Hebrew traditions, the Word: the power to choose, to make things happen, to take the consequences of those choices, to have experiences. Without power, without the Word, nothing would happen. According to shamans, this power is neutral, neither good or bad. What we do with it determines its positive or negative influence, according to our experience. The Q’ero of the Andes call the positive aspects sami and the inharmonious aspects hoocha. Note that hoocha is not considered negative; the Q’ero say only that it is lacking in resonance with what will make us happy.

“Inner Shaman, I want you to make it impossible to ignore you. I want you to give me unmistakable signs that you are helping me. I want every one of my experiences to be a healing experience. I want everything I say, everything I do, and everything I think to carry me one step closer to alignment with Spirit. I am on track now and I want you to help me remember to stay on track. You have my permission to remind me as often as necessary that you are there and to show me how to use you to best advantage. Do not allow me to remain distracted in the same old thought patterns, the same old habits that keep me asleep. Give me courage, focus, and help me clarify my highest vision for this life. Transform all my actions to prayers and all my thoughts to blessings. Help me set my priorities right. May every day bring more light, more clarity, more love, more truth, more power. Make it so. Aho, Amen.”

Instruct the Inner Shaman to filter your thoughts so that all thoughts are in alignment with Spirit. In other words, when you are thinking, form the habit of thinking through your heart. This may sound strange, because we usually associate thinking with our heads. Just try thinking through your heart and see what happens.

 Lena Stevens ; Jose Stevens (2014-03-01). Awaken the Inner Shaman: A Guide to the Power Path of the Heart (p. 104). Sounds True. Kindle Edition.

Session Three

Canvas of Creation

You’re in an artist’s studio where there are many colors of paint, and lots of brushes and blank canvasses— tools for you to crate all the experiences you’d like to have in your life. Ideas begin to sparkle inside your imagination as you think about what you’d like to create. You know that this is a special studio and that you can come here whenever you want to paint more pictures. Perhaps your studio is open and airy.

Perhaps it has a skylight and sliding glass doors around every side that open into a beautiful nature scene, maybe a garden or a meadow or a magical forest. Perhaps it’s a large, spacious loft with lots of room for all the many pictures— the masterpieces— that you know you’ll paint here. Maybe your artist’s studio is a frame of mind, a magical place of insight, inspiration, thought, and wonder in your creative awareness. Or perhaps it’s somewhere in the universe, a special place that is illuminated with a mystical light.

Looking inside your imagination— inside your thoughts and feelings— you feel magically inspired as you begin to paint some of the pictures you’d like to experience in your life, filling in details with descriptive images and flashes of insight.

Delighted, you discover that you have a real flair and talent for this. As you allow the artist in you to emerge and come forth, you feel a wonderful power building within you as you realize that you can create whatever you want, and that you hold within your hands all the creative tools you need to sketch and draw, and shape and sculpt the many images and expressions of your experiences.

Pausing for a moment, you stand back to admire your work. Looking at your partially-completed pictures to study what you’ve just created and to decide how to enhance them and what finishing touches and flourishes you’d like to add, you notice that somehow, magically, the canvasses have begun to come to life and to become the experiences you painted.

They’re three-dimensional as they move and become alive in your experiences. They’re living, breathing, being and becoming images and expressions of your thoughts and the feelings that created them. You see both the illusionary and the tangible nature of your thoughts, and how they become real first in your mind and then in the manifest world.

The pictures— the tones and hues of the colors— are ever-changing in every moment, influenced by your choices, and by every nuance of your thoughts and feelings. Every action and reaction you have changes and thereby affects and alters your original ideas, insights, and experiences, creating new and various expressions to the work of art that is your life in motion.

Chadwick, Gloria. Inner Journeys: Meditations and Visualizations (Kindle Locations 803-809). Mystical Mindscapes. Kindle Edition.

Session Four

The Fire Mist Shower, Nikki Scully, from Alchemical Healing


During the first activation of the Fire Mist Shower you will be given specific openings that you need only receive once in this lifetime. This initiation is a major adjustment and needs to be treated with respect. Once the initial openings are in place, subsequent practice of the Fire Mist Shower as a meditation (without the initial activating process) will be integral to the practice of Alchemical Healing, and will be described following the initiation. Prepare an appropriately sacred space to conduct this ritual. Do whatever is comfortable to enhance the moment—build an altar, light a candle, smudge the space or light incense.


Begin by choosing your word, as described above. Sit up as straight as you can, with your spinal column perpendicular to the floor or chair or ground. (If that is impossible for you, look within and visualize yourself sitting cross-legged with your back straight, and work within that image.)

Ground and center, using the breath to fill your belly on the inhale, and then exhale downward, through your tailbone to connect yourself with the earth….

Devote attention to your heart flame, directing love to make it grow and spread its radiance throughout your being, filling you with warmth and light….

Stir the waters within your golden cauldron. Notice as the waters rise to meet the flame in your heart, and experience the conversion as the water meets the fire and turns to steam….

The steam rises, opening the shamanic passageway at your throat and filling your head. Place your entire attention within the steam. As it gathers in your head, it will lift your consciousness up through your crown and into your light body….

Thoth comes from the left to greet you. He will be there to witness and assist as needed in this process. He will also record this activity in the book of your soul’s life. Establish your connection with Thoth….

Begin to extend your attention deep into the earth. Notice as you travel downward, layer by layer, an increase in warmth and fluidity as you move toward the core. There is an orange glow….

You will know when you have arrived at the source of energetic nourishment at the heart of the earth….

Begin to draw that energy back up, opening a channel that will always be there for you….

The energy rises up through this channel and begins to move from your tailbone at the root chakra, up through your body….

Feel it energize and set each chakra to spinning in turn….

As the current of energy rises inside of you, the power floods upward through your body, awakening, revitalizing, purifying, renewing….

Pay special attention when the current reaches and mingles with the fire in your heart….

Then let it continue up until it reaches your third eye….

Take the necessary time to let the current work its way upward…. When the flow of energy reaches your third eye, stop and allow the energy to collect there….

Begin repeating your chosen word to yourself, silently, seven times—one for each of seven breaths. As you repeat your word the energy that has been rising within you becomes very concentrated at your third eye, cleansing and awakening this center to the degree that your system can handle at this time….

After seven breaths with seven repetitions of your word, the energy is now free to continue up to the top of your head and on out through your crown like a fountain, making the Fire Mist Shower….

Take a few moments to feel this constant stream of energy as it continues to flow up through your body and out through your crown. The current may start as a small trickle that will grow as you continue to focus your attention upon it. The fountain also grows with use, until you are able to control it somewhat, even to direct its power so that you can extend it to cover considerable space surrounding you. Stay with this visualization and the vital feeling of this fountain shower until you have reached and can maintain a sense of fullness. This will be different for each person. You can recognize it as the moment when the growth of the current and fountain stops—remaining steady without further expansion….

This first time, when the energy is moving freely and as you continue to feel the flow moving up and out of your crown, bring your attention to your hands and point them, palms extended, toward Thoth, who has been observing and assisting throughout this process. With a deft motion, he opens the energy centers in the eyes in the palms of your hands. You will feel an opening as the current begins to flow out of them. Feel the energy flowing out like great rays of light emanating from your palms….

Next Thoth will touch each of your fingertips, releasing the energy so that beams of light can radiate from the newly opened tips of your fingers….

Linger in this space, feeling the energy flow grow and regulate itself until you feel solid and complete with this experience….

Take time to listen for any message Thoth may have for you at this moment regarding this initiation and your healing work. He could have some very specific instructions for you….

Before you open your eyes, and while the first flow of energy is still strong in your hands and fingertips, direct the energy to someone you know who is in need of healing. Use your newly awakened third eye to perceive the person in whatever way he or she comes to you. Do not be attached to seeing visually; feel free to use your imagination or memory to conjure up the person you have chosen….

Now visualize the person as being already healed. See him as you know he can be, dancing and singing in the universe, or in whatever situation best expresses to you that person’s most vital potential for health….

Allow the energy from your hands to invigorate the image….

When the thought form that you have created feels full and complete, release the image and blow on your open hands to break the connection. Immediately the current will stop flowing from your hands, or at least subside considerably. Take a moment to feel yourself whole and unattached, yet still filled with light and surrounded by the Fire Mist Shower….

Express your gratitude to Thoth and receive his blessing and any further messages or instructions he has for you at this time…. Ground and center yourself. When you are ready, open your eyes. Take a few moments to rest in the connection that now exists, then close your eyes and repeat your word to yourself once again, silently. Notice that the Fire Mist Shower starts up immediately, and that if you desire to do healing work, the energy is there instantly, pouring from your hands.

Practicing the Fire Mist Shower

The Fire Mist Shower can be practiced as a meditation to awaken and cleanse your chakras and energy conduits each morning, or at any time during the day. To use it as a meditation, simply ground and center yourself and take a moment to quiet your mind. Use your power word with the intention of engaging your Fire Mist Shower. Focus your attention on the energy that moves up your body and out through your crown, paying special attention when it passes up through your heart and mingles with your heart flame. Use your word with intention to release the current of energy and bring it up and out through your crown and your hands. Let it flow and bask in the light of your Fire Mist Shower. Allow yourself to feel the cleansing and regeneration it provides.

I use my Fire Mist Shower at the beginning of each healing session, as well as any time that I personally need a boost in energy. It can be instigated quite quickly, instantly actually, by saying your word with intention and focus. At times that require special attention, I will use my word like a mantra, repeating it over and over to merge the power and energy of this initiation into whatever work I am doing. As you continue to use this powerful tool, you will find that it becomes an intrinsic part of your approach not only to healing, but to all creative aspects of your life.

It should be noted that although the Fire Mist Shower is generated from deep in the earth, the Universal Life Force itself actually comes from a different source, one whose activation is part of the mystery of the initiation.

Scully, Nicki. Alchemical Healing: A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine (pp. 80-85). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.
