1. I expect the unexpected. My glorious good now comes to pass.

2. Now is the appointed time. Today is the day of my amazing good fortune.

3. My supply comes from God, and big, happy financial surprises come to me, under Grace, in perfect ways.

4. My supply comes from God—I have the magic purse of the Spirit—It can never be depleted. As money goes out, immediately money pours in. It is always crammed, jammed with abundance, under Grace, in perfect ways.

5. I look with wonder at that which is before me.

6. I give thanks that I have already received on the invisible plane without thinking how the good will be accomplished.

7. God’s methods are sure and ingenious (in the face of obstacles). I judge not appearances.

8. The ground I am on is Holy Ground. I now expand rapidly into the Divine Plan of my life, where all conditions are permanently perfect.

9. My mind, body and affairs are now molded according to the Divine Pattern within.

10. All doors are open for happy surprises and the Divine Plan of my life is sped up under Grace.

11. I have the crystal clear vision of the Spirit and I see clearly the open road. There are no obstacles on the pathway. I now see miracles and wonders come to pass.

12. I dwell in a sea of abundance. I see clearly my inexhaustible supply. I see clearly just what to do.

13. I am nourished by the Spirit within. Every cell in my body is filled with Light. I give thanks for the radiant health and endless happiness.

14. I give thanks for my perfect sight. I see God in every face. I see good in every situation.

15. Adverse appearances work for my good, for God utilizes every person and every situation to bring to me my heart’s desire.

16. I am now linked by an invisible, unbreakable magnetic cord with all that belongs to me by Divine Right.

17. The Kingdom is come; Thy will is done in me and my affairs. I am poised and powerful. My greatest expectations are realized in a miraculous way.

18. I have now the fearless faith of the Christ Within. At my approach, barriers vanish and obstacles disappear.

19. There is no debt in Divine Mind, therefore, I owe no one anything, all is squared. All my obligations are now wiped out, under Grace in a perfect way.

20. There are no mysteries in the Kingdom. Whatever I need to know will now be revealed to me, under Grace.

21. I am surrounded by the radiant Light of The Christ, through which nothing negative can penetrate.

22. I let go of everything not Divinely designed by me and the perfect plan of my life now comes to pass.

23. I am always under direct Divine inspiration. I make decisions quickly.

24. Infinite Spirit, reveal to me the way. Let me know if there is anything for me to do.

25. I now thank God the Giver for God the Gift.

26. I cast this burden on the Christ within, and go free.

27. I have wonderful work in a wonderful way. I give wonderful service for wonderful pay.

28. I call upon the law of forgiveness. I am free from mistakes and the consequences of mistakes. I am under Grace and not under Karmic Law.

29. There is always a way out of every situation, under Grace.

30. My endless good now comes to me in endless ways.

31. I am now deluged with the happiness that was planned for me in the beginning. My life is full, my cup flows over with joy.

32. I give thanks for my permanent happiness, my permanent health, my permanent wealth, and my permanent love.

33. I am harmonious, happy, and Divinely magnetic. I now draw to me my ship over a calm sea.

34. The Light of Christ within now wipes away all fear, anger, resentment, doubt, and worry. God’s Love pours through me, an irresistible magnetic current. I see only perfection and draw to me my own.

35. Divine Love through me, now dissolves all seeming obstacles and makes clear, easy and successful my way.

36. I am fully equipped for the Divine Plan of my life.

37. All that I desire is seeking me.

38. Infinite Spirit, open the way for the Divine Design of my life to manifest. Let the genius within me now be released. Let me see clearly the perfect plan.

39. The long arm of God reaches out over people and conditions controlling the situation and protecting my interests.

40. I live in the now and am wide awake to the opportunities.

Empowering Statements from  Florence Shinn