Celestial Truths in These Now Age Times

Here are 4 of the 14+ Celestial Truths that feed the Living As If Already Whole Experience

1. I AM a Spiritual Being having a human experience in a physical body. I carry within me the deep knowing that I have all my tools, skills, and capacities as that Spiritual Being available to me at any time I consciously choose to call them forth and act from them. In this state of infinite, transcendent living I carry the ongoing template of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me to call upon and live from at any now moment.

2. I Am aligned with Celestial Cosmic Laws that transcend physical law. Thus, beliefs in limitation are hereby suspended as I launch my journey of reclamation. Anything is possible.

3. The Life of Substance and adventure is lived in the Now moments. My response to them activates the magnetic attraction that brings forth the form of my next moment. At any moment I can use the Now consciously to seed and form the next moment

4. I am, by design, an expanded being. I now activate and live in and from, all that is contained within me, to spring forth the forms that will surely make manifest my intentions, my desires, my personal missions, and my pre-birth established purposes. I have direct access to all past and future lives and can draw from them the skills, talents, and perspectives that will serve to amplify my current one.