In a state of unification with Source you are essentially one with Source… which means you are experiencing, being, doing as Source. The implication here is that you are completely immersed in what we have been presenting thus far, especially the new paradigm statements. So, here is an opportunity to completely live as if. Enjoy and see what comes of it…
Here are some suggested experiences:
Living completely without hesitation
You are unwavering in your action. The minute you have the thought you move into the accompanying action. If the flow binds then you adjust and take action…no questions. You take the first thoughts that come as guidance and move forward in faith. This will smooth out the pockets of resistance that may still be within…perhaps give yourself an hour to begin this experience then expand from there. So, for that hour, you do what you are guided to do. There is little judgment/criticism/second guessing/bitching/moaning/groaning…simply living the full spirit of “yes”.
In complete trust
Similar to the above. Here you know you are well taken care of in all that you do. What you are guided to do is direct from Source so you enter with joyful, confident willingness. You can up the ante by asking questions of your guidance and taking the responses as direct Source information.
In the Moment
You can see how these bleed into one another thus far. To be in the moment, responding is to do so with trust and without hesitation. Keep your thoughts based on what is right now as much as possible. Observe the forms of where you are. Self examine to see what is going on within, body sensations, thoughts, etc. Involve all your senses in what you are doing. Immerse yourself in what is before you. Eat something and be in deep connection with the experience. Practice some mindfulness by monitoring your thoughts just to see where they lead. Decide to do something and do it.
In this oscillating Cosmos of perpetual and inevitable change we hold on for dear life, at least that is the old way of doing so…as we were taught for so long. Fear is 99% illusory so why not stand up in the face of it and take a confident step into change. Source ignites change. Source flows with change. Source knows change is here. Source invites it in and goes where it leads. Riding the rapids is a Source thing to do…even though Source creates the rapids…but…you know what I’m saying. The wise one activates change first. See where your life is stagnant. Stir it up and initiate some movement and then grab a piece of it and run with it. Make change for change’s sake. Just because you can and, in doing so, you will likely lose your fear of change.
In Love frequency
Love is the foundation frequency of all life. In truth there is nothing that is not Love. In the Earth plane of duality we are invited to see/experience the other side of Love to have the understanding of all its flavors. Love can be found in the darkest places if you shine an open compassionate heart. Likely most humans have learned of conditional love that is restrictive. They likely carry wounds that cause resistance to open hearted presence. So be it. Stepping beyond that as we are doing here, you have a moment by moment c choice to live through that Love frequency and experience a very different world. Source only is Love. That is your invitation. Start applying this and see what happens. Sure you might stumble, but recognize that and reapply the conscious loving. Notice how it shifts the energy and shifts your perspective and experience. Practice self love so that you start to be comfortable choosing that first no matter what you say or do. Be a loving expression in all contact you have. Step outside of judgment and criticism and look for the Source in everything you interface with. I bet something powerful will unfold.
To be in the open heart space first is a primary intention of these awakening times. To be there you must learn/choose to respond to the forms of your life from that compassionate, empathetic heart space. Rather than interpreting, you allow your focus to go directly to the heart. Breathe and then allow your response to reveal itself into action. Start doing this and you will be in the Source vibration quite quickly. Be sure to treat your own choices, thoughts, and experiences with that same compassionate wash. The more you do this then the less you have to deal with it in the external with others…you will already be in that Source frequency and it will be effortless to bless others with it.
In Grace
Grace through Source is a complete surrender to the high frequency flow of life. Things just work out when you are in this space. The money comes, the people show up, the parking place is waiting…you get the picture. Bless others with respect and honor and see and celebrate the Source in each. In this frequency you invite life to serve you in that vibration and thus receive the gift of your own gracious acts. Knowing that you are well taken care of by Source allows you to ride that wave and be the purveyor of Grace to all those you experience.
In Alignment with Universal Laws
Universal Laws and Cosmic Truths are unwavering in their reliability. You can choose to think, believe, and take action in this knowing to direct how you do life. Getting familiar with the Laws, as we shall in a later session, gives you the tools and knowledge and willingness to use them without question. These laws serve you and magnetize like actions/experiences to come your way. Knowing that the Outer reflects the inner you get a constant readout of where you are with your thoughts, beliefs, and interfering patterns. Of course, as Source, you take the information revealed and act upon it, knowing its accuracy. The Laws provide the structure, the framework in which you can confidently live your moments. The more versed you become with the Laws and their application, the more they serve your moments.
In Complete Abundance
To Source there is no lack. A clear focus magnetizes the desire and intention. In the loving Cosmos there is more than enough to go around to each life form to give them the life of their choosing. Sure, you are pushing against, temporarily, the established power of the Doctrine of limitation and lack that you have been subjected to, but, in these times, any effort of faith in a higher frequency, life affirming direction will be met with expansion and success, more than enough to help reprogram your worn out ways. See abundance everywhere. Look for it. Celebrate another’s “success” and refrain from self putdowns regarding worth and capability. Source would never engage in self defeating thought or action. As Source you can and must choose to align to that knowing.
In Wonder, Imagination, and Creativity
The child like state is something we have all experienced and know well. Often when life is fun and things line up we re-enter that state and for a moment, we feel that openness, that wonder, of being a child again. And then it shifts back to what we consider our “normal”. Creatures of habit, we have bought into the idea that more of life is challenge than joy and wonder, and so we are prone to look for it…and you know the power of intention and anticipation to attract the very thing. This is not what Source does at all. Everything is in and from the child like state of trust, joy, wonder, imagination, and the delicious dance of creation. We have that same capacity, to see wonder in the moment’s form, to activate the imagination and seriously stretch the boundaries to deliver a completely unexpected solution to the moment at hand, to be in the unabashed joy state and cry those tears of laughter. Life is sweet. It is beautiful. It is loving…by design. We are catching up to that design, shaking loose the old templates that force restriction upon our beauty. Come on let’s play! So see the world today through the eyes and heart of your child state…complete infinite possibility and complete malleability to create a solution never before thought of. Make believe is such a powerful and trusting place that will deliver magic…if you allow. You are Source…so allow!
Not Alone
Source has everyone and everything to play with…and is well aware of that. Are you? Lifetimes of selection and restriction and hesitation can easily lead to tendencies to isolate. In that isolation one must face those existential moments of aloneness. Identifying with the body as me keeps us self centered so much that we miss out on all that is there for us in any given breath. Our own Inner Child and Higher Self are constant companions. Speaking your birth name is one way to call in all of your etheric guides and teachers to you in a flash. Choosing to communicate with all of them will quickly dispel aloneness perspectives. And then there are the support kingdoms of the plant and animal kingdoms that are always showing up for us. And then there is Earth Mother, Gaia, a constant companion. As Source you have access to it all and need only to bring awareness to them to call them in. Talk to your self. Talk to your child. Talk to Source, to life, to the trees, to the rocks. You are never alone…even as a human. But as Source…geeezzz!
In Multi Dimensional
Life is a sphere that invites in all directions. Source is everywhere…just as you and I, in potential. As we are each a unique frequency expression of Source we have a breath of autonomy to give the big soup its flavor. As such we have a taste of independence that can be played out at any time, with full permission from the I Am Source…in fact it is one major vehicle of the unknown, the unpredictable, the adventure. We serve that role at the same time we claim Source as I Am. Pretty cool…In this 3D world we have come to know through program and dutiful experience we have a tendency to view life as limitation. Source does not. We are not confined. Rather we exist in many places in many different forms, not enslaved by time and space. At a now we can oscillate around the cosmos and have a holiday from me in this form. Sure this is Star Trek stuff…and rightly so. Go back and pay attention to those old shows and get a greater understanding of just how things really are. Play with this idea. Stand in your house and put yourself somewhere else and see what is going on. Get information and trust it. With this one you have to do lots of make believe to break the hold the old paradigm has on us. It will happen, especially when you already know it to be true…and you are now just living it out until it reveals itself in that expanded form…all because you have reached the inner and outer vibration that makes it so. Take a choice you have made in this life and go back to put yourself in not making the choice. While you continue in the life after the choice you can also experience the flavor and even specifics of your life had you stayed. It is a fun and revealing game. Pick a star out of the night sky…go there and see what reveals. Just games that Source would play…
So this is a taste of being unified with Source. Of course, this is only from a limited view of what is possible. Start here and catch the wave and let Source reveal to you the specifics meant just for you…