The moments of living alter our personal frequency. The trillions of cells within us always oscillating serving the inner Master Plan while at the same time responding to the ever changing inner response by conscious self to the specific forms of the Now. We oscillate. We morph. We mutate. We transform. We grow. We evolve. We remember. We re-awaken. All life does.
If the new perspectives of life on Earth and the human experience as a spiritual being hold true then it follows that we are raising in vibration to reach the eventual personal home frequency that has always defined us, no matter where we found ourselves in the Cosmos and no matter what form we chose. The one great promise of these new times is that we shall, for the first time, consciously be aware and live in that true frequency while in human form. Is that going to happen to you and I in the next few moments? I do not know… Will it happen before I leave this form? I do not know…Why? Because it is all dependent on what you and I do with this moment. How true to self will we be? How aligned will we allow ourselves to be? How much of the new paradigm information will we choose to inform the way we choose to live? Can you see that the future is not written…never has been…never will be…
If we do this then…this will happen…if we do that then that will happen. The form blesses the action taken. That is the great gift and the primary source of our floating discontent. Life is flow. Simple. As vibratory beings we progressively change into something that ideally is in line with our energetic intention under the watchful tutelage of our own Higher Self. As that occurs we raise frequency vibration. When this occurs we are able to hold higher frequency information, understand at expanded levels, be neutral about life drama, live more actively in the multi-dimensional Cosmic sphere…you get the picture. Every time we choose to step away from the old doctrine of limitations and live in the new paradigms we hone our frequency and get closer to home. All are doing this at obviously, various speeds. Are there guarantees for you and I…well, technically…no. But, these are uncharted times and the things we are doing are impacting the Cosmic Whole in different ways. We are more consciously establishing an impactful relationship with how the form of life shows up. The better we get at it the greater the impact of all of us. Essentially I can end up doing all the grunt work that will lift you into the arms of your home place…and not even know I am doing it. And not even be impacted on any level by it.
We serve the greater vibration. As we surrender to that truth we begin to experience just how we can do it in this now moment. Thus our flexibility and trust are called upon to allow us to take the road that suddenly appears before us…and do so without the least bit of hesitation. That is a sure sign that you are fast becoming the captain of your soul.
So, what does this have to do with frequency group? It would appear as not much…but let’s look deeper at the concept involved and why your own choices on your journey really are the pivotal elements that impact your “reunion”, its where and when.
All is Source. You and I and all that ever took the spark of life and ran with it are an expression of that Source…as we have established. It is a bit hard to imagine the scope of how many have lived over the course of eternity thus far…as well as how many different incarnations you have selected and all that occurred in all of them. Consider each expression an identifiable frequency, no two ever exact. That would be way more than the amount of money disclosed in the recent Paradise Papers leaked document of uber-wealthy offshore private bank accounts…which is at 7.5 trillion dollars and rising…now that’s a lot…but what we are looking at is actually uncountable.
So, take that and bring in some music just to soften the mood. When you talk frequency, then you talk pitch. When you talk pitch then you talk resonance and harmony and entrainment…you talk relationship. Long has there been talk of soul mates and soul groups. These are based foundationally on the musical relationship of resonance. Some frequencies create harmonic structure that is pleasant and life affirming, while others create dis-harmony, at least to some ears. You can group a lot of specific notes together and have a sizable group of resonating individuals. They serve one another well by assisting and supporting them to keep clear and musical. A soul group is collection of like vibrations, not based on very close pitches, for that would likely be dis-harmonious, but on ones in a pleasing vibrational relationship. These individuals, as souls, form a bond that plays out throughout the cycles of incarnation and beyond. They weave in and out of one another’s lives, providing support, opportunities for growth, celestial touchstones, reminders of personal missions and commitments to self, being offspring, parents, spouses, team mates, BFFs…There is no guarantee that they will be around for long. They may even be assisting from another dimension during one of your incarnations. And you do the same for them.
Soul mate is a different thing. I have grown to look at this as an inside job only. The Disney version is that there is someone in human form who so resonates with you that they “complete you” and are the prime, perfect partner that will make your life the cat’s pajamas. To me this is a child’s wish and hopeful fantasy to get rescued from less than supportive/loving circumstances. Those that claim to be soul mates, and there are many especially in the New Age tradition, start out like any other relationship only to find that the bliss goes south when they have conflict over lifting the toilet seat, or being out too late, or giving another the eye, or not saying the right love language recipes….the land of unconditional love for another only exists up until now in the inside. External relationships cannot live up to the pressure of perfect. But the devotion and commitment of the inner adult to be always present for the Inner Child is the land of soul mate. More on this later in our deeper exploration of relationship.
Soul groups exist and they are the first taste of Oneness, the ultimate bequeathment of Source. Your frequency group is filled with people you resonate with, transcend time and space with, are always there for one another, show up or call at just the right time…and then disappear for a year or two. There are no attachments to the relationship. You just know you have the back of the other and they have yours. You know how they think even…and, so too, are they the source of some of your greatest woundings and challenges, without you even knowing it or them…random strangers who precipitate a life changing moment, by agreed upon arrangement (in the ethers).
Treasured animals can also be a part of this soul group, but it is, primarily, other humans. You lift one another out of your selves and expand you in the growing oneness connections. They are like training wheels to the times coming when all will function in this cooperative, loving, nurturing relationship. Really? You may ask…yup, but the arrival date is a topic of growing debate. At some point, as a result of our own vibrational raising we shall each reach the home place. Though they may be different measurably, there will unfold a greater understanding and heartfelt willingness to engage in being fully loving, cooperative, supportive, and connected with ALL of life. Yes, it will even include him! And her! And them?
What to do with this information. The Soul Group is Source in action, your personal proving ground, the place where you can work out the bugs of your life. You might not know who is in your Frequency Group yet. Actually it could be up to 500…so you do the math. Your joyful task is to begin to search for your tribe. Everyone who interacts with you from now on is a potential member. You must learn to open up to be able to discern this person’s status, often in a very short time. There is such a thing as knowing…it just feels so connected. You might have even used this feeling as a pick up line in the past…”I feel such a connection with you! We just resonate…would you like to explore that?”
Begin to notice how your moments show up. Who is involved? What are they doing there? Do they have a message? Is there something you are drawn to say or do to or for them? What does your heart say about them? How do you feel around them? What are your commonalities? Where do you resonate together, if at all? Yes…check out anyone who you have interaction with. Dare to gather the courage and look them in the eye, engage in some conversation. See how it feels. See if anything is there. You will know. And know this…this meeting or passing may be the whole extent of what was important in this incarnation. There may be no long term thing with walks on the beach and Soul Group parties and secret handshakes and group sleep-overs and a Face Book Group page…nope, just ships in the night fulfilling the critical agreement made in the stars.
This is what makes it all so cool. It just does not matter. What it does do that is so important is that you start seeing everyone as something of relevance, as a potential connection. That shift in perspective and action might just be enough to shift humanity’s loyalty to making war on one another…well, it could…these are remarkable times. Seeing the Light in everyone will activate the heart center which will ignite the meridian cleanse that will unblock resistance and bring about the clear, healthy, inspired state. That will serve to open you up even more to the inherent beauty in all of humanity. That is where compassion and empathy and real gratitude and grace live. Remember that this “tool” is a precursor to embracing and living in the coming Oneness with “success”. There is much to be cleared before we each are open to standing in that super high frequency hand in hand with Source. Yet, it is on the horizon…and you and I are poised to initiate a significant phase of the journey. I strongly invite you to engage and begin spreading the power of heart source witnessing of your human brethren.
All that stuff at the top of this page was to stir the pot and get the resistance out of the way. You will not be wanting to see the Holy in the one before you if you got so much crap backed up that it blinds you…not a chance. So, through the back door we come. And it can be you and I who will then make our way to the front entrance to let humanity in and usher in the Oneness…well, it could…these are remarkable times!