When we first incarnate we have complete access to our own capacity to wonder and imagine. These are essential components to creating the unique experiences within the infinite palette of possibility that exists in this multi-dimensional Earth plane. Without it our life will lean more towards being flat.

The trick has been, up until these times, that we are culturally desensitized to our own imaginative, intuitive, and wonder capabilities under the collective guise of fitting in and finding our place within the “normal” . This is a slow process that takes roughly the number of years we are in elementary school to complete its masquerade and dumb down our senses in the name of survival. Add to that the way we have traditionally arrived as a helpless, dependent incarnate infant and you have an well entrenched process that leaves most standing outside looking in to the glorious window of life.

And it would seem that the early child does not have the language, information, and experience to be able to understand the big picture. In the true reality nothing could be further from the truth.  Every incarnate has immediate access to the Cosmic filed where all information and possibility are available. The amount of dimensional interaction is quite impressive and yet, rarely witnessed by those in charge of child care…because they are probably not looking for it.

When I used to hold my newborn daughter in my arms I would make sure I followed her eyes when she looked away. Though I did not yet have the eyes to see, I knew intuitively that she was communicating and interfacing with dimensional playmates and teachers and compatriots. You could see it and hear it in here utterances (very close to what is now being termed Light Language). She was talking with energetics that I was not seeing. Likely much of the communication was also telepathic, which seems to be one of the ways that the new generations are communicating through more and more (especially those who have been labeled and diagnosed because we do not get them yet). Things are not as they seem.

If you really want to enter the frontier of Living As If you have to seriously wake up your imagination because make believe is the doorway to the infinite. The structure of how it is is simply a convenience tool to have a common language with another to share a common experience. Truth is is that each is experiencing whatever is happening differently as well. Yet, they find a common place through which to share. All the while each is having a highly personal experience that was manufactured energetically and magnetized into consciousness by the pure line of communication between Source and Higher Self. All is opportunity delivered at just the right time to offer the next thing we need. If we grab it fine. If we do not…fine. There will always be a revisit in another outfit.

So, to imagine the solidly connected life you have to activate the imaginative, intuitive, unrestricted sense of wonder.  To that end, this session offers some playful and powerful ways to do just that. Please remember the following and consider claiming them as guidelines for living in the Cosmic flow:

Nothing is as it seems

Anything is possible

Intuition is a skill/sense in every living thing

The senses need to expand so you must be willing to invite the reclamation of the greater capacity of each to begin

Everything in form or situation or being serves the reawakening of your whole self

You must be willing to select time outside of the normal you have adhered to

Realizing that all is alive you are invited to engage whatever comes to your own inner and outer altars of awareness

The Now Moment is the point where life is lived…period

Imagination and wonder grow by using them

So, let’s play a little:

My imagination truly opens Up the world

It takes away the limits Held by space and time

Fantasy and dreams they let me Sail beyond the boundaries

I explore the Universal Mind

With my will and power I can manifest the formless Into Life
Imagination,  from the CD, Twelve Powers

  1. This song is a vehicle to activate the imagination from its relatively dormant state. Follow the link and use it to invite a re-opening.
  2. Consciously choose to engage in active daydreaming: think of a topic and let your mind wander through it; visualize an object and experience it with all your senses as if it were in your presence; see yourself doing something later or tomorrow…really put yourself there; talk to angelic or etheric beings as if they were there; engage your inner child in conversation about the past, or issues unresolved.
  3. Decide to start following your dreams. Keep a notepad or recorder next to your bed and keep a record of your dream activity. Pay attention to settings and characters and situations. Notice any reoccurring themes. Before you retire invite yourself to remember and interact with your dreams. Ask for problems to be solved or inspirations to be given. You can choose to actively engage your dreams from your personality in a process called lucid dreaming.
  4. Read books more, especially fiction. Exercise your imagination to picture and experience scenes and characters. Choose the book over the video and your imagination will expand and grow wings.
  5. Turn off the TV more. Tell stories or read or share a vision with others. Create something out of nothing. Practice describing something with words. Take up some artistic endeavor. Explore each sense. Play games that engage the imagination.
  6. Begin to meditate or journey for the sake of developing your imagination. Record scenes and actions and listen to them in a quiet state to practice. It won’t be long before you are traveling multi-dimensionally between the worlds.
  7. Imagine your desired future. Give it substance and wings. Live it as if it is already in motion. Watch it come to you easily…

  1. Start using the phrase, “I wonder” a lot. It opens doors and calls forth a whole new vibration, a flood of new possibility and insight. The Multiverse loves those words. Your guides dance in delight when they hear them. They dig deep into their packs to find special gifts for you.
  2. Reflect back on the days of childhood, when your sense of wonder was intact. Remember the experiences. Remember the first time you…and then think of another thing…and another…feels like the first time. What beautiful words. Keep remembering to reawaken the sense, especially how it feels. Notice the symptoms of wonder in your body. Notice how your eyes widen and your mouth opens a bit and your breath quickens and you lean forward…perhaps.
  3. Spend time on a one sense focus. Move about your day with a conscious focus on one sense at a time. First, the sense of smell. Move through your moments noticing life this way. Then do it with each. Re-sensitize yourself to the multi dimensional world. Notice how it feels to be alive and in color. Why on Earth would you want to ignore this land?
  4. Today you are going to move through your moments with all senses open and experience things anew. The more familiar the better….look at what you know so well. Use your senses to discover new things about it. What else could it be used for? What are things about it that I never noticed before? I wonder how it was created? Who did the first one? I wonder what that was like? How did they discover it was poisonous? What was the first to experience it? On and on you go…so much fun it is
  5. Now look at your current life. Challenges? Situations? Start using your sense of wonder and imagination to find insight, solutions, and direction. Let the creative juices reveal alternatives. Let your guidance come through to reveal new roads. Enjoy it, appreciate it, invite it, embrace it. A wide eyed wonderer, wonderin’ the world…

Creativity flows from a healthy, unencumbered, uncompromised, clear second chakra. Our capacity to birth solution is held captive by the unexpressed energetic baggage of life lived. Being taught to hold on to woundings and to be ignorant of the marvelous process of body clearing and chakra care keeps our creativity center broken down. The creation that comes from this is most often that which perpetuates the status quo, visionless through the mask of fear. Creativity must be unshackled and given the wings it deserves.

The challenges of life and the specific issues that weigh down the beauty of living are solvable through unbridled creativity. Humanity is fully capable of manifesting solution to make a glorious future. It starts with each of us saying enough…enough compromise, enough doubt, enough disbelief, enough giving away power, enough immobility, enough giving up.

This starts with understanding that creativity is what we are designed to utilize. It comes from recognizing its presence and then stepping into its dimensions to find how it works. Find out what it is for you. Identify a challenge and create a solution. Act on it. Adjust until just right. Celebrate and then move to the next opportunity. Build those muscles. The more you use it the more it delivers. Become a creation machine.

Creativity involves the mind and the body and the spirit. Calling for inspiration is an untouched element of the process. Call in the guides and teachers to inspire. Let the inspiration drop in to project the vision on your internal screen. Keep the second chakra clean to allow the unimpeded flow of vital energy to impact the third eye. Working in conjunction the vision grows feet in the solar plexus and moves into manifestation of form. Massage imagination to stoke the fires of creativity. Draw. Write. Write songs. Write stories. Make up answers. Live as if your vision is already happening. See alternative uses for objects. Create. Make new. Redesign. Come at something through the back door. Throw the form out and birth a new one. Live without the familiar to find new ways of doing things. Brainstorm. Be an idea person. Give solution to the challenges of the world. See everything as possibility, opportunity, be inspired by nature, by life, keep a record of your

The majesty of the living life is much more grand than we have been led to believe. If you open to this then you activate wonder and imagination and intuition to reveal to you in expanding doses all that you have been missing. Once this happens your own design takes over as it was set up for this kind of action. The only way to prove this is to go into it without hesitation. In these realms nothing really matters but all is significant. In other words, the meaning you attach to the moment’s form will give you the experience aligned with it. If you want chaos then so be it. If you want flow and juice and beauty then so be it. Yes, we are this powerful because we are the unique frequency expression of Source and thus can actually do all things…yes, really.

The past experience and beliefs and attachments are what interferes with you in the wonder-full life. Again, most of what was simply does not matter. If it does, then likely there is energetic baggage dripping with unspoken words, un-allowed emotions, thought attachments, neural pathways/patterns of action, limiting beliefs, etc. How much do you really want to be you in full expression?

Leaps of good faith and open hearted/open minded awareness and an unwavering capacity to act upon the moment’s form are what is waiting for you. Resistance keeps the illusion of safety holding on…a safety that in the big picture is completely unnecessary. What is there to be afraid of? Nothing, really. Can you flow with that and understand that if you feel fear then it is likely the old fears pushing to clear and release? If you can and then choose to act upon supporting the clearing even as you experience the Now fully then you will begin to enter the sea of the infinite life where all things are possible.

You, my friend, can make it so…it’s all make believe (directed yet random particles vibrating into and out of form)… as you choose.

Session Action Eight: Imagine the Solidly Connected Life