We learn to trust by trusting. At some point regardless of history or the number of betrayals or disappointments, we turn the page and choose to trust. That becomes a pivotal point that changes the energetics of attraction. It magnetizes opportunities to exercise more trust. Soon there is a trust quotient that attracts the trustworthy and we no longer need to bring in those who will disappoint.

Trust requires action taken in good faith. The more spontaneous and the less planned then the more the flow is reinforced and one’s own degree of resistance and hesitance and suspicion are diminished. When we trust then we see and experience the bigger picture which contains higher frequency experiences that are usually life affirming.

In order to establish your own field of trust you may require practice. Developing trust in the arenas of relationship, of what is happening, of the unknown, of the future, of your own thoughts and feelings, of your decisions and actions, and your guidance will serve to establish an unwavering foundation of trusting life. That opens doors…

So, let’s practice:

  1. We seek relationship for many reasons. Esoterically we are drawn to those who resonate with our current frequency and carry within them the very issues we are ready to deal with. The challenge of relationships is that we too often carry the debris of the woundings and unprocessed unexpressed energetics of the past relationships. They get easily played out on the new one. Rebound relationships contain the lure of the new and exciting combined with the very same issues we likely just ran away from. In it all where is there any chance for developing and growing trust? One must be able to find common threads in the history of relationships to have the awareness to facilitate letting go and changing. Perhaps you blame, expect, dump on, smother, patronize, ignore, punish, play yo yo with, manipulate, withhold, play passive aggressive, etc. Any of these are indicators that you have debris that is being used on another. Recognizing the symptom will deliver you to a new point of choice. And herein lies the place to build trust. Once you identify your hook then brainstorm at least 3 alternative actions that will bring different results. Apply them and see what happens. Here you can apply a greater trust in that the person is showing up for you to help you heal and clear to find balance. Appreciate them and share what you have learned about yourself. This is new territory and will serve to soften the impact of the patterns and allow you to deepen the current connection. Relationships are beautiful tools of awareness and change…when you are conscious of their potential then they can serve you both well. Trust this.
  2. What is happening your life right now is a powerful tool for discerning the state and focus of your own inner world. As it mirrors you it would be very useful to look at the forms and the responses you have to the moment with eyes of interest, seeking out a bigger picture. Choosing to trust that what is before you is a result of action of your own Higher Self and Source to put you in the best situation to heal and clear and balance, is a conscious act that will deliver in spades. Life is affirmative and will always show up for you to expand you. Trust this.
  3. Fearing the new or the unknown robs any degree of trust. Choosing rather to see the unknown as an invitation to explore, as a place where revelation can be found, as an invitation to expand into higher frequency awareness, gives you a different experience. Clarify the fear first by fleshing out the details of what is going on. Typically this will hint towards or reveal the actual big picture. No accidents. Just opportunity to wake up to fullness. Step into the unknown and rediscover what trust can reveal to the willing. Yes, trust this.
  4. Our future is seeded in this now moment by attitude, belief, thought, and pattern. Too often we carry the unprocessed past forward and project a problematic or fear filled future awaiting us. The only way those will manifest is if all things remain the same and you keep feeding the image fearfully. The higher frequency method is to invest in a positive and life affirming outcome/future and seed that with thought, word, and action. That is a foundation built on the greater trust that life loves life and that includes you. Trust this.
  5. We, individually and collectively, have such history of believing we are limited, damaged, compromised beings who need others to fix us that we have a hard time sustaining higher frequency positive thoughts, words, and actions. And we have very little instruction and understanding about our own feeling make up so we mistrust those annoying sensations that pepper our moments. The exposure of Mindfulness as a way to move through moments points towards another way that allows us to witness the runaway thought syndrome we have been taught. This then can free us up to begin to see the other side of the thought, the land of the momentary no thought. In this rich fertil ground we can rediscover where the infinite now moment invites and blesses us. From this place we can become friends with our emotional nature and design and start to enrich our life by feeling in alignment with the vibrations of the current moment. Doing these things allows us to trust what is going on inside. That is powerful medicine…trust this.
  6. The weakened will center, or Solar Plexus, is a place where we limp through life. In this power center we struggle with the very understanding of what power is. In the Piscean times power was, and still is, a commodity that is bought and sold and perpetrated upon others for control purposes. Good grief! Here, too, is where we store anger and frustration and turn it into judgment and criticism of self and others. This wreaks havoc with our capacity to make decisions and then take action upon them. We end up not trusting our thoughts or needing reassurance instead of jumpoing into the action just to see what happens. We get sluggish and wimpy and hesitate all over the place. ..and then self flaggelate and critize ourselves some more. Fine…that is one way to be “normal”. How about clearing the area with choice and follow through. Throw rocks and speak strong words to the ethers to start clearing our personal repository of the unexpressed. Put your trust in your own healing actions and you will see results in no time at all…and then your trust will deliver you to the gift of discernment, or informed decision. From there you will activate your willingness to courageously move forward into the decision you made just to see what happens. In there you can adjust and come up with new actions…on and on until you find your solution. Trust this.
  7. Sure, by design, we are individual and connected as well, connected with all of life in rich and profound ways. But up until now, in human circles, we are pretty much isolated from one another in confusing ways that ultimately create an artificial, but believed, dependency. We seek others to fix us, to direct us, to inspire us, to heal us. We have misplaced en masse our glorious capacity for connected higher frequency autonomy. We have been ridiculed from our own celestial posse of angelic and etheric beings/guides/teachers and we so we sit there waiting to be saved….OK…how is that going for you. How much trust do you have in that model? Hopefully, very little. We are not alone in an expanded multidimensional way. The resources we can access are there for the asking. Do you ask? If you don’t then they will not come. It is just the rules of the playing field. So, start asking and see what happens. Be aware of your own expectations of how they will respond and show up. If you are waiting for spaceships or angels with wings or mighty Ascended Masters wrapped in Light you may be in for a long wait…for while you are holding out for Cecil B Demille experiences, you have been visited upon hundreds of times by all those who did respond in forms you did not pay attention to: signs, meetings with strangers, billboard messages, license plates, songs on the radio, natural connections from the elements and the animals, random text messages…you get the picture. Ask And be open to receive…trust this.

You learn to trust by trusting. Endless leaps of faith that say yes to the cosmos will deliver you the solid wellspring of trust that will bring forth the mighty inner and outer flow of the wisdom available in any breath. Trust this…

Session Action Six: Building the Flow of Trust