Again, we stand at a threshold, an energetic membrane between dimensions, each with its own character and playing field, each able to deliver that which one intends while in it. Universal Law functions no matter the dimension, no matter the one who applies, their depth of knowing, their level of trust, their willingness to take action. The cosmos is reliable. But you, my friend are the key that engages the Celestial mechanism.

And because of this you are invited to take seriously your capacity to wake yourself up completely to the sweeping magnificence of your design. How much we have reminded ourselves of the distractions and the diversionary program we have been subjected to and, yes, allowed, for lifetimes. And this, my friend, is actually the first time that the Celestial assistance has been mandatory and separate from free will intervention. What I imply here is that it is coming in no matter what we believe or say or do. It is impacting us no matter our personal level of resistance or the degree to which we hide our heads in the sand.

Of course, you still have a choice. But, at some point, the cost of ignorance becomes obvious and we just say WTF and jump into the Celestial abyss where the wisdom is contained. And that is where we are right now. If you really are serious and are ready and willing to open up two way communication then you might want to be ready for an expansive education, an unparalleled ride through the greater you.

People hear voices and they think they are crazy. Are they? Likely not. The Celestial contact is based on our own receptivity. Those who are “crazy” have likely reached the personal tipping point where the woundings and the forms of living and the disconnect with how it is is initiating some kind of reboot. We are more than we have allowed, I have offered many times throughout this course. So what does that really mean.

Again, the phrase “you don’t know what you don’t know” is useful. At the threshold where we stand we have no solid idea of what will occur when we really say yes to the expanded life. That is the adventure blessing and also the burden of the unknown. The latter is dependent wholly on your personal level of unprocessed, unexpressed fear. That fear distracts and diverts your conscious self in thought and action.  The greater your reservoir of unprocessed fear the greater the distraction that turns you away from your own capacity to activate your own freedom to live fully, freely, and without hesitation.

Points of choice, where decisions hold the forms of the road ahead, are rising and presenting almost incessantly. How are you doing with these times? How much do you pay attention to the personal and collective minutia? Are you still invested in drama and commiserating with your homies? Or have you decided that what is right in front of you is where life is lived, the now moment that reflects your inner frequency without question.? Is this an either/or? Of course not. The journey is in process and at this transcendent time we oscillate back and forth as we try on the new paradigm shoes. Sometimes they feel good, and sometimes we put back on the old loafers…just because.

In order to actually integrate the times it is necessary for awhile that we dance in the dimensions, keep a thread in both world while we get the lay of the land and eventually commit to one or the other…hopefully being the higher frequency true design of you and all that that entails.

Hey, wait! Isn’t this action about two way communication? Well, yes, but it is simply necessary to remind ourselves of the fluid big picture. So much is happening and so much is responding to what’s happening…the choice that you and I and the whole collective make in any given breath. There is fluctuation and gobs of uncertainty and reaching back for the familiar and jumping into the abyss and rediscovering that we actually do have wings…all of this exacts a toll…no wonder we are so tired in this times!

Ultimately, the opening up of communication is simple…you just do it and see what happens. Really?! Yes, really!

Prepping you is simply needed to get you to choose to go forth and experience and learn and frolic. With that in mind your connection and eventual active communication can be and will be with a large number of potential recipients/pals. There are internal connections and there are external ones as well.

On the inside you have:

  1. Your inner child self
  2. Your adult self
  3. Your shadow selves
  4. Your adopted personas
  5. Your historical connections that have been internalized (past lives lived and still connected)
  6. Your sub-conscious self
  7. Your conscious self
  8. Your higher self
  9. Any still remaining entities/purposeful connections, not evil spirits
  10. Your adaptive personalities of convenience (who can be negotiated to dismantle)
  11. The inner witness
  12. Personal and collective archetypes and their influence
  13. And, likely, more

On the outside you have:

  1. Personal guides
  2. Direct to Source
  3. Angels
  4. Archangels
  5. Elohim
  6. Ascended Masters
  7. Active deities
  8. Historical Deities
  9. Personal and collective ancestors
  10. Soul Groups
  11. Power animals
  12. Natural connections based on frequency attractions (plants, minerals, trees, elements, elementals)
  13. Earth Mother, Gaia, via your personal Crystal
  14. Discarnate beings of personal influence
  15. Interdimensional Beings
  16. Devas and Nature Spirits
  17. Your family of origin
  18. Your family of choice
  19. Your cultural heritage
  20. Your friends
  21. Past relationships one and all
  22. Dimensional corded relationships
  23. Future potential relationships
  24. Aliens

So…who do you want to talk to. Take some time with this list for all can be contacted and communicated with in a two way manner…very much like a conversation, except, it functions best via question and response. These, for the most part have a requirement of non judgment. What is, is. What was, was. In the big picture all connections and experiences serve the greater picture and purpose of you having unique moments of living in the current incarnation. They all hone the frequency of you and bring you to this now moment, self contained as the totality of your personal all that has ever been. It is akin to a big sharing, sitting around with a glass of wine and cheese and connecting for the purpose of expanding the greater awareness.

Life is obligated to serve you in the way that you desire, the way that you ask. So, we have reached the point to initiate the sacred and secret techniques that have opened the channels to devoted initiates throughout human history.

Are you truly sure you are ready? There is no turning back once you say yes? Everything changes…


So, here we go, take three deep breaths. Make sure your feet are connected to the Earth and that the connection is flowing. Choose who you want to make contact with. Speak your full birth name 7 times. Speak their name three times. Say, “I Am ____________, and I welcome you. How are you? What have you been doing?”

And then listen and exchange. Ask questions based on the sharing and the inner insights acted upon immediately…have fun

And when you are done, say thank you and wish them well or whatever you want to share…

That’s it…no mystery, no secret, just two beings who have agreed to converse. That is the only requirement…show up and be open. The rest takes care of itself.

I would encourage you to engage the entire list just for the practice and the insight.

Session Action Four: Establishing the Two-Way Connection