Cave of Creation and the Crystalline Grid

To the traditional “normal” person thins all probably sound made up, make believe, fake news, woo woo, cult drivel,…so be it. That is what happens when you misplace your imagination and drop your sense of wonder down the drain in the street. You stop thinking beyond the box. Your child self shrivels and the thinking part sets up shop. Trouble with the thinking part is that is has grown to be prone to over analysis, needing proof, addicted to its own beliefs, judgmental, critical. Demeaning, and prejudiced. That is limited thinking to the max. Look around and you can see a lot of this. People defending their own limited thinking. Dancing around that memory of who they are that keeps knocking on the door of consciousness.

On one hand, that is why the Earth is so useful and the overall design is so masterful. Knowing that the journey to reclaiming inner and outer wisdom is just that , a journey, the Earth keeps the Light on for us all. We never really lose our truth. It is being stored in crystals and grids, actually available to us at any time. Until we each take that first step towards waking up we get to play out the doctrine of today’s normal.

Do you want to access your wisdom resources. Then just do it. You know the drill…awareness leads to new choice which leads to action. The action creates results which we look at from the bigger perspective and adjust. Then we reapply the new version to the form of the moment. Over and over we make the adjustments that our own guidance tells us to do. In unwavering good faith action we wear aware the energetic resistance to our own source well within. At some point it simply opens up and the wash awakens to sweep away the misinformation.

At that point you experience things very differently. The senses expand and open to more information which leads to new awareness and experience. The opening feeds itself and resoponds immediately to how you take it in. Resistance is met with diminidhed flow. The current level is recycled until there is another opening. It is as if we access different versions of the wisdom until we align with one. That lifts us out of that energy and leads to the next level. And it all is maintained by your willingness, good faith action, and devotion to the knowing that you are an unlimited being by design who right now is in an increasing download mode that will not stop in the forseeable future.

I dont know how much wisdom there is. It seems like the interfacing and the integrating with it by you and me serves to create new variations, perspectives and form…on and on with no real reason for ever ending. In each moment we gather new wisdom to apply to our own I Am Self as well as the human collective. And at any moment we do not know what we do not know.

Living in wonder and imagination is magnetic for it invites the unknown to become the known. Isn’t it interesting how the human journey started with knowing everything and then journeyed into the dark forest that became the challenge to remember consciously what we have always known dimensionally. Kind of cool…

Start opening to accessing the Crystal Cave and the Crystalline Grid. Start with the grid. Go out into Nature and wander. Ask for guidance to the spots that are intersection points on the grid. You will have to feel your way there. It is energetic. It is a sense that is of the higher order within each of us…as yet not being dealt with. But it is waking up. You can amplify its opening by moving forth in good faith and even making it up at times. Find the spots. Then hang out in them. Connect to the Earth and the breath and invite the guidance to reveal itself through whatever means is available to you. Access your senses one at a time. Maybe you are visual and can activate dimensional sight. Or maybe you start to hear things. Perhaps you simply sense something via tingling or temperature. Do you smell fragrances that you currently cannot yet identify.

Play with this. For as you get comfortable with the idea the revelations will ignite. Take notes. Revisit your spots a lot. Look for new ones. Share with others and find out if theirs can be experienced by you and vice versa. Visit the places as a group and see what happens. Talk about it with one another. The weirder it is then the better it is at this stage You are being guided by new energies that you are not familiar with. Trust…trust…take action..then trust some more.

Now turn your attention to the crystal cave. Here is one way to introduce it. Google crystal caves and then search the images. Start going through them and notice with which you feel some connection or familiarity. Save them in a folder. Gather impressions. Once you have 13 then stop for now. Each day spend time looking at and experiencing each. Play with it. Ask questions of it. Make statements of any kind. Tell it what you want. Ask if it is genuine for you or if it is simply a sign post. Pay attention to whatever comes into your awareness , thoughts , and feelings.

That is enough for now. The inward journey has begun. Pay attention to the nuances of your daily moments. Start remembering and developing relationship with your dreams. Spend daily time out on the Earth allowing yourself to be drawn where you will be drawn. DO not hesitate to respond to any impulse. If you resist then explore the inner resistance. Likely it is energetic debris. Ask it to clear and then go back to engaging the flow.

All nature of wisdom is afoot…

Session Action Three: Gaia’s Crystal Caves,  Crystalline Grids…and You