Celestial wisdom is in constant movement, responding to the calls and the receptive frequency of the callers. Obviously, the more open and clear one is then the more capable one is in being receptive to that which is delivered and that which is received, which can be two different things. The old saying here is you don’t know what you don’t know. Personal blinders and well worn filters can be significant blocks to the flow of wisdom.

In the very first session of the previous course, Tool for the Times, I presented an extensive list of the Doctrine of Limitations, a set of taught and bought beliefs that flooded the Piscean Epoch and greatly influenced human life as we know it, both collectively and personally. It was revisited again in that course and has already found its way into Living As If. Why? Am I running out of material? Oh, by no means…

I call it up because it is such a critical roadblock to one’s own ascension into remember their true design and consciously living and flowing in that frequency. The tenets have been so injected into cell, tissue, system, and neural pathway that the beliefs about them have become visceral energies that kick and scream when they are invited to leave. They have thus become the way humans believe they are. And the sceptic police and woo-woo finger pointers are on constant alert to sound the alarm when one dares to raise personal vibration.

So be it. It is just not working anymore to keep humanity under the thumb of the few who manufactured power over the masses. You can see the fingers of change getting into life’s business everywhere. Change is afoot. And the Celestial Wisdom, the information meant just for you at just this time is waiting out on the front lawn for the right conditions within you.

So, here we go again…the Doctrine of Limitations presented again to see how you are doing. Which ones still hold on and infiltrate your consciousness and actions? Which ones would you still claim to be an accurate representation of humanity, of you in living action? That is for you to discern. I would prefer to never be called to bring this list to the light again. The only revisiting to be done will be the Higher Frequency Tenets of Truth that accurately reflect your True Design…the reprogram has begun and it is time to go into full consumption mode.

Here is the Doctrine of Limitations…your old buddy…familiar as a pair of old jeans, comfortable as a chair that you have had a long, long time, but always hurt your back…it was your grandpappy’s chair. But, for God’s sake! It is time to let it go and acknowledge how hurtful it has been. Please read the list out loud, one by one. Indicate those that still call your name. Cross out the ones that simply have no invite about them and those that actually turn your stomach because they are just so “wrong”. Do you work here. Maybe a couple of run through’s. When you have done this then make your own list of your Doctrine of Limitations Personal Remnants to see the work you still have to do. Then do it! You are wanting to toss the entire doctrine into the Eternal Refuse Pit of What Was I Thinking?

Some of What we have Been taught

  1. We are limited beings
  2. Men are superior
  3. Others who have it tell us how to get it
  4. We need an intermediary to contact Spirit
  5. We get weaker as we age
  6. We are prone to disease
  7. Pills will make everything better
  8. Feelings are not to be trusted
  9. The more you have the more desirable you are
  10. Money is power and brings happiness
  11. Humans kill and that is ok if it keeps the peace
  12. Leaders are mostly immune from consequences
  13. Do not trust
  14. Be afraid and protect yourself and your family
  15. God is a big white male who lives in the sky and is vengeful and plays favorites
  16. Religions know the truth so do what they say
  17. Worship heroes and then knock them down
  18. Drugs, except for prescription drugs and bad for you
  19. You will never be good enough
  20. If you pay enough you can get all the answers
  21. Lying is necessary, cheating is celebrated
  22. Winning is everything
  23. Abuse is acceptable and often necessary
  24. Women are inferior and deserve less for the same work as a man
  25. Certain body types and looks are best and desirable, for now
  26. Artistic expression and creativity are only in the few
  27. Imagination is less important than coloring in the lines
  28. Do as you are told or there will be consequences
  29. When you die you go to heaven or Hell
  30. Sex is dirty, passion must be avoided
  31. Spirituality and money are not compatible
  32. War is necessary
  33. Being killed for your country is noble and desirable
  34. Some are more worthy than others
  35. I am better than you
  36. It’s fun to laugh at the misfortunes of others
  37. The government will keep us safe
  38. Freedom has a cost
  39. The doctor is always right
  40. Famous people are more important
  41. Banks can be trusted with your money
  42. Democracy is fair
  43. You have only one life so you better live it right
  44. There are chosen ones
  45. Schooling is necessary and will guarantee a bright future
  46. You are a hopeless sinner
  47. Trust authority
  48. The FDA is there to protect citizens
  49. Reduction of symptoms is more important than prevention
  50. Promise anything to get what you want
  51. Your word means little…do what you need to do
  52. Stay quiet and do not speak your truth
  53. On and on…..

Piscean Age Characteristics

  1. People are born with limitations and flaws
  2. Life and society are hierarchical
  3. Survival of the fittest
  4. Haves vs the have nots
  5. Scarcity
  6. Power is control
  7. Power is a commodity that changes hands
  8. Power is controlled and maintained by force
  9. Emotion is weak
  10. Have to improve yourself
  11. Fear based and driven
  12. Majority rules
  13. Always yearning for something better
  14. Military industrial complex is a necessary evil
  15. Good vs evil
  16. People are victims of life
  17. Life is about doing/getting results
  18. You are judged by wealth, looks, and power
  19. Immediate gratification
  20. Past and future based
  21. Male dominated
  22. Filled with misinformation, lies, deceit,manipulation, cheating, greed, and abuse
  23. Culture and society in the Piscean Age have impacted our viewpoint about work and purpose. We are taught that there is a life’s work. We are taught the value of a day’s work. We are directed to work hard. We are taught to believe that hard work will create the desired result…money, and all the stuff and leisure it can buy. We work to gain wealth instead of working for fulfillment. The employment system is hierarchical and results in too many not making enough. The control is given to the few. Others are left to work just to stay alive. Of course, there are a host of variations in between.
  24. Society based on money also convinces the worker to value credit, immediate satisfaction, living for tomorrow, etc. The seduction of the worker results in large debt that can easily overwhelm, dishearten, and enslave the worker. We are seduced to focus outside of ourselves, viewing the acquisition of stuff as the ultimate goal, believing that money will buy happiness, though the evidence to the contrary is prevalent.

Keep working with the above until they really have no meaning. It may leave you feeling empty, like you just left high school, like you just changed careers to something you really want to do but haven’t started yet. Be empty for awhile. Allow the remnant energies of the DOL to dis-integrate with cell, tissue, system, neural pathway, and brain cell.

Then,,,and only then go on to plant the fertile energetic seeds of the list below. Please trust me. Do not mix the two. The pull of the past is insidious. Like an old girlfriend who just did that one thing that no one else can…and you liked it so much that you would meet her at moonlight somewhere just for old times…who cares the cost?! Well, Grasshopper…let it go, let it all go. There are so many more good things riding in this new information.

Celestial Truths in These Now Age Times
Copyright 2018. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved.

1. I AM a Spiritual Being having a human experience in a physical body. I carry within me the deep knowing that I have all my tools, skills, and capacities as that Spiritual Being available to me at any time I consciously choose to call them forth and act from them. In this state of infinite, transcendent living I carry the ongoing template of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me to call upon and live from at any now moment.

2. I Am aligned with Celestial Cosmic Laws that transcend physical law. Thus, beliefs in limitation are hereby suspended as I launch my journey of reclamation. Anything is possible.

3. The Life of Substance and adventure is lived in the Now moments. My response to them activates the magnetic attraction that brings forth the form of my next moment. At any moment I can use the Now consciously to seed and form the next moment

4. I am, by design, an expanded being. I now activate and live in and from, all that is contained within me, to spring forth the forms that will surely make manifest my intentions, my desires, my personal missions, and my pre-birth established purposes. I have direct access to all past and future lives and can draw from them the skills, talents, and perspectives that will serve to amplify my current one.

5. My health, on all levels, is dependent on the energetic baggage I carry and store within cells, tissues, chakras, DNA, and energy bodies. Consistently clearing that toxic debris of energy , thought, and belief assures my ongoing state of vitality and willingness to participate in the whole of life. I now release anything that has been in the way of my perfectly functioning physical vehicle.

6. My past experiences, thoughts, and beliefs were likely learned in the limited dynamic of the Piscean model. Adopting and integrating the new frequency thoughts and beliefs shall replace the old and activate all that is necessary within and without to make manifest the flowing, love filled, interactive life I deserve and desire.

7. The Holy Triad while incarnated in the conscious frequency of I Am Expressing As Me consists of the Inner Child Self, the Adult Self, and the Higher Self. Each has a purpose and a responsibility to cooperate in the reawakening, and, as such, shall be in constant two way communication with one another to guide the flow of living as the Whole Being.

8. I Am in a cooperative relationship with all of life on all dimensions. We support and serve one another through the open hearted devotion to the foundational Love Frequency that unifies us all in the Oneness expanse. In this Oneness I maintain my personal awareness and activity as an individual expression of the I AM Source while drawing upon the knowing of my unification, which feeds me beyond my current knowing. I embrace all life forms and kingdoms and celebrate the Source that unifies us. I commit to the interfacing with all, that allows us to serve one another in infinite ways

9. All is energy, vibrating in a specific frequency that creates form temporarily. My focus and intention interface with the energy to impact the form and the activity. Constantly changing, I trust the flow of the succession of Nows as I allow my Higher Self to guide me to that which serves me for the highest good of all.

10. As an emotional being in a plane of duality I embrace my remarkable design to experience the fullness of all my emotions. I trust the wisdom that places each in a physical location to trigger my awareness of the specific emotion calling for release. As I know that each emotion has a short life I am willing to let them flow through me for the sake of the depth of the experience. I resist none of them but, rather, invite them to enrich my moments without hesitation.

11. My heart center is the fulcrum of my Earthly incarnation and, as such, I choose to live fully and constantly from that sacred space. In so doing I allow the foundational Love frequency to be the filter for my moments.

12. My ego serves as a personalized expression of the I Am, giving me the uniqueness that feeds the greater beauty of all life. I embrace it and support its personality. Free of fear and clear of energetic debris, I can celebrate this profound design element that gives me the identity that I so embrace and love. Together we make a fun, playful, and adventurous life.

13. Life is trustworthy. The more I live as if then the more it delivers the trusting experience. The events and people brought into my altar of awareness are part of an orchestrated flow of just what will amplify my awareness, clear debris, and deliver exactly what I need to remember who I am by design. I remain open to the forms and bless them for arriving at just the right and perfect time.

14. I Am, as we are, a caretaker of the Earth. The symbiotic relationship serves the Source in that it prepares our unified one humanity consciousness to bring the expanded life to future cosmic locations in accordance with one of our deeper Celestial collective purposes.

Foundation Truths:

1. My Celestial Design Template is intact and contained in cells, tissues, and DNA, awaiting the conscious recognition and reactivation.

2. Adopted beliefs and their subsequent patterns of action are the vehicles that keep my life in loop mode. The loop triggers the continued investment in believing that I am less than I am.

3. It is necessary to separate from these demeaning beliefs and patterns not by investing time and energy into understanding and clearing, but rather, adopting the empowered state and purposely living from that frequency and vibration.

4. The conscious mind must be fully invested and engaged to choose to apply the new principles consistently and with pure intention no matter what the appearances and forms may appear to be temporarily.

5. It is necessary to suspend past results and experiences and open to the infinite possibility that exists fully in this now moment.

6. It is possible and likely that this journey of unhesitating acceptance will be met with resistance and doubt and a tendency to want to settle back in the learned but restrictive comfort zone. Thus, it is necessary that the awareness be active to recognize the moments when that occurs. The will center must then be called upon to choose differently. Repetition and responding to the outcomes with renewed focus is required. Beating up oneself is not an option as it is a seductive tool of the Piscean control methods we learned so well.

7. This process involves living as much as possible from the opened heart space. To this end spend time doing this as well as consistently checking back to redirect any drifting.

8. The Whole Being is akin to the perfect child state that we each have experienced many times at the forefront of each incarnation. We have to reawaken and reclaim the sense of wonder and invigorate the imagination. We have to know that nothing that appears is as it seems for there is always a higher interpretation and response. In this frequency state we must be flexible and spontaneous to allow the flow with the ever oscillating energy fields that we are made of and immersed within. It is essential that we surrender to unequivocal trusting of the Cosmos, our Higher Self, our human self, and our Inner Child Self. In fact the reunification of these elements frees the original design to reclaim its seat of overseeing our moments from the expanded state.

9. Belief in separation and isolation must be suspended. Inviting in celestial access and communication is necessary. I must become fluid in accessing guidance from all of my Sources, known and unknown.

10. It is necessary that I am versed in monitoring and maintain my energy fields, noticing when it is impacted, and moving to adjust and clear as necessary even as I am in a different focus or process. I am, essentially, calling upon my dormant design capacity to multi-task interdimensionally.

11. Many of my familiar perspectives about life in and on the Earth plane are erroneous and must be restructured and, at best, replaced with the Celestial perspectives that may, at first glance, be too unbelievable because they are so counter to the misinformation of the many lives past. What is required here are many, many leaps of faith and a willingness to take the steps into the abyss in the adventurous spirit of the unfettered child to discover what is there. Upon doing so I must then apply the process of responding to the forms that are brought to my own altar of awareness to make adjustments so that I can move as guided to reach understanding and integration.

12. I am drawn to this experience by my own Higher Self, who always places me in the best situation to reawaken my deep inner knowing. Trusting this will activate a more accessible two-way communication between us. Thus, I am invited to participate fully in every experience we have together. These will awaken the conduits of knowing and allow me to expand outward spherically to integrate the new frequencies. Simultaneously I shall have the full capacity to be fully present in my current life. In fact, I will become way more invested in the moments as I will be unattached to the outcome, which will allow me to move freely without restriction, seeing everything with new eyes.

There are some basic high vibrational tenets that form the foundation of this course as well as the great awakening of these times. This will be an ongoing and growing list that you can refer back as a touchstone when the moments stumble and call you back to the familiar ways of old.

1. I am on a beautiful adventure to remember consciously who I am by design.

2. My “waking up” is guaranteed and will unfold in alignment with my intention and effort.

3. I am not alone on this journey.

4. I am so much more than I have allowed myself to be.

5. My old thoughts of limitation no longer serve me in the illusory way that they did. I must replace the old thoughts, beliefs, and patterns with the higher frequency truths that will significantly expand my experience of the I Am That I Am Expressing As Me.

6. Nothing is as it seems. There is always another multi-dimensional viewpoint to look at and from.

7. My ascension impacts those around me as well as the life collective. Every remembering is felt by every other in this Oneness soup.

8. My free will choice is my greatest tool for making this journey my own. Learning to use discernment will make the choices blend with my highest intentions of being me in wholeness.

9. I must take good faith action forward to activate the endless support available to me.

10. The outer reflects the inner unequivocally. Stay clear and clean on the inside to experience the life I deserve and desire.

11. I am interconnected intimately with all of life in all of its myriad of expressions. Choosing to interface in unconditional love will greatly expand the Me that is living in the Now moment.

12. My body is designed for longevity and absolute health. Believing so is the pathway that activates that manifestation.

13. My essence is Love, the big kind. Allowing that Love to flow through my heartspace in all that I do will align life to me and insure the flow.

14. Resistance is the sure way to conflict, chaos, pain, and staying put. This ever oscillating Universe is in constant change. Learning to be in and trust without hesitation, the Flow will deliver me into the Truth of My Being.

15. Conscious breathing is essential and necessary to step out of the familiar world of limitation.

16. My worthiness and value are non negotiable. Choosing to claim this will deliver me to the magnificence of that ongoing experience.

17. An open heart expresses gratitude and welcomes the wash of Grace that follows.

18. All I need to embrace and expand the forms of my moments is already contained within me by design.

19. Every conscious, high vibrational choice made and step taken opens the door and calls forth the next “thing” for me. My expansion awaits my now choice.

20. Wonder and imagination are key elements to aligning with the cosmic design that ignites the Universal Laws into action for me.

21. I have incarnated to feel completely and ride the delicious waves of emotion from start to finish. Do so…

22. As a spiritual being having a human experience I am composed of energy. I have the complete skill set to flow with as well as  direct that energy to make manifest the desired forms of my moments. I Consciously tend my inner energy garden.

23. As I receive, so shall I give. This circle is reliable and must be tended consciously. Interrupting the beautiful flow has consequences that will divert me temporarily for as long as necessary.

24. My design is impeccable. Embrace it all. The Ego is necessary for my personal expression of me. My Inner Child self is an energetic representation of my divine design that has been, temporarily, sold a false, illusory, bill of goods. Befriending both the Ego and the Inner Child is a doorway that delivers the juicy life that I signed up for.

25. I am not my body. It is my remarkable and magnificent vehicle for this incarnate journey. Treating it with love, respect, regular tune ups, and unwavering self care will result in a fluid journey that delivers the richness of life to me. That body is a self-replicating, self-clearing wonder of creation.

Conscious life change happens when awareness leads to choice which leads to action and then through the integrating of result we adjust and start the process again. To alter something as foundational as how we view and experience the world via our primary cherished beliefs takes a monumental effort to consistently pay close attention . The gift of these times is that with such effort taken a huge amount of etheric energetic support is activated and drawn to assist you to facilitate more speedy and profound shifts. Love works like that. Stay true to the task and watch the resistance dis-integrate before your eyes and within your heart.

It is time to invest in the oh, so much more you truly are,

Session Action One: Jettisoning the Detritus  of What Was…once again