Trust and Faith are two sides of the same coin…to a degree. They indicate that one is in a clear and balanced state to be willing to allow life to flow in alignment with our own current vibration , our true template, and the experiences deemed useful by the holy triumvirate of Higher Self, Adult Self, and Inner Child Self. We are essentially a spiritual being having this delightful human experience. And, as such, we are regulating the forms of our moments in a big way. We have not been taught that this is so, so there is a lack of belief and understanding in most incarnate beings, sadly perpetuated by the social and cultural and institutional “powers that be”.
So be it. That is what has been and it is certainly not reflective of our true design and our reawakening to the conscious working knowledge of that design. No wonder so many mistrust trust and walk with little faith in the spiritual nature of things. We have mostly been taught that none of that will matter because we are flawed and are prone to suffering…unless we align with a tradition or system or organization that can guarantee our salvation…for a price.
Seriously? Yes…and what is even more remarkable is that so many have fallen for it and live under that influence with little resistance. Still, the inner deign of the true self is present and active. So there is a growing discontent that is inner indeed, but showing up in the shifting landscapes of human systems and institutions like business, finances, education, social, religions…you name it. The time of change is at hand…stirring strongly the inner pot of you and me and every living soul.
Humans incarnate into a beautiful intention but are met with a seriously flawed and manipulative structure that literally imprisons the spirit from the point of arrival. The paradox is that beings arrive in a state of unwavering Trust, by design. They have to be taught to mistrust…and,indeed, they are. The infant new born is perceived as helpless and very vulnerable. That may be so on the outside in the physical, but it is not so on the inner. The wisdom of the Cosmos is readily contained and available in each new arrival. In fact, it never leaves. But, given the nature of the human physical design, there are, shall we say, complications.
The infant has no capacity to convey the truth it holds as language is not quite available yet. And the humans already here have lost their inherent capacity to communicate on higher levels telepathically. Do you not think that one of the reason infants arrive in such numbers is to reactivate the inner knowing and capacity of those who are already here? But the programming is quite strong and most have learned to project helplessness upon these new borns reinforcing their own limiting beliefs in themselves…round and round it has gone…until these times.
New generations arriving are remembering who they are by design. They are capable of connecting dimensionally with one another, and even with us older incarnates, if we are open and willing to listen and learn a lost skill. And they are under great pressure to conform and be normal. Because the Celestially change is afoot and in sweeping motion the resistance to keep things stuck is stronger and more pervasive, So be it…all are waking up and the pull to stay the same is fading and disintegrating as we speak. As a side, one great challenge of this natural evolution is that many who are opening have no resource to them to start the expansive re-education/activation of their being. So, for now, it looks like things are in conflict with a lot of posturing and finger pointing and blaming and demanding going on…hang in there everyone. Just get out of your own way and allow…
In other words, choose to trust the awakening of life on all levels and know that no thing brought to your altar of awareness is intending to harm you. Rather, it is there in a form that can assist you mightily in remembering you and moving forth in the Now moment to live that new awareness. As you allow. Your trust is born through your inner knowing and the “survival” of moments lived that were intense or even dangerous. You build trust by successfully navigating your moments of living. That trust is both inner and outer.
Actually, when it turns outer, then it enters the realm of faith. Faith is a magnet that brings forth form in alignment. Looking beyond the form and holding to the knowing that nothing is as it seems allows you to move into the great nothing, the unknowing…knowing that all will be not only ok, but revealing to you in ways that amplify the truth of your own being…to you. Faith is trust in action. Traditional implications of faith directed to an external force/source that will take care of you is that foolish give away of power we were taught to adopt and live…kicking and screaming the whole time because we all knew, yes knew, that it was not the way it is…we just came from the way it is before incarnating! Crazy…
Build trust through taking action on guidance, doing what you say you will do, moving forward on your intentions knowing that the Universe is magnetizing all you need to your own altar of awareness, choosing to walk outside of normal, leaving your own comfort zone, and knowing that Life is Love and is aligned for success…as you allow it. This gives you the faith to take the action as you deem it necessary knowing that everything will be just fine…copasetic…blessed… beautiful…aligned with you.
Trust in you and your choices. Have faith in the outcome of your actions. Know that the Now Moment contains all the seeds of magnificence and success but can only be accessed by trust and faith in action. Have faith in trust…