This is where the Now Moment blossoms, this point of action. This is a will center solar plexus initiation of energy outward based on the inner knowledge, the decision and all the information that went into it, and a choice to apply it to move into form in the next Now Moment.

Can you see the relationships here in that foundation leads to expanded awareness which leads to gathering information which leads to choice which activates the decision to rocket out from the point of action? Pretty cool, huh?

A weak will center will interfere with taking action and the point will sit there with swirling potential. Clearing the energetic debris of chakras one, two,  and three puts you in a place of uninterrupted flow where decisions and action are fluid. We have established ways to clear energy in chakras in earlier sessions. Refer to Sessions A1-3, B2-6, and B2-8 for specifics. Your charge is to not swallow any more of the energetics of your life moments. Stay clear and clean. For in this state the moment becomes yours.

Now, let’s get some practice at putting into action our intention. Write down ten simple actions you can do physically. For example: stand up and turn to the left or sing happy birthday to myself. Get the picture. Start with these simple actions and then begin to expand out and make them more involved with several successive actions. This is play, yes, but it is intentional in that it gets you used to taking action upon inspiration. And the bonus here is that it strengthens the muscles of the Solar Plexus to be able to respond in action without hesitation.

Now, once the point of action is seized and the actual action begins you are invited to once again, pay attention, close attention. For your action will marshall Universal energies in kind to your intention to make manifest in form (if necessary). Energies will come forth to provide information and input to allow you to see how your manifesting is going.

A greater truth is that the manifestation may take several turns and eventual forms before you reach the intended result. Monitor and adjust is the process that allows the unfolding. You decide via choice to enter the point of action and launch…things begin to happen. New energies are magnetized in kind and you are then given the opportunity to choose again, that which serves your intention. You select and then monitor and adjust. The process kind of feeds itself. Your response and choice to each input determines what arises in the next. It is organic and highly responsive. Consistent information and decisions and flow leads you to the prime form that you claim as success. The now leads to the next now to the next now…on and on, until you stop the action and accept what has unfolded.

At the point of choice it can be useful to realize the vibrating potential that is all around you waiting for guidance and direction. You can tune into the body and monitor for sensation, noting the location. There are areas that are in alignment with the manifestation process in the now, the Solar Plexus, the Throat, and the Third Eye. The Plexus is the seat of the action. Stirring it intentionally builds the forces of propulsion. The Throat is the force that launches the energy into the external. Speaking the intention or desire will magnetize the supportive energies to assist the manifestation. The Third Eye projects the vision into form of the intention. You send it out like a signal to become a gathering point for the energies that are coming forth. Sensation in any of these centers is useful. Purposing each with your conscious awareness can amplify their support actions.

The more you pay attention in consciousness to the steps of your intention into form or access then the more effective it all becomes. Your attention is the Now Moment energy that recognizes and acknowledges where you are in this journey, constantly making in course connections in now moments to guide you on the best path to full fruition or something even more magnificent,

The Now moment contains the Infinite Potential. Living there and only there is rich and responsive and revealing to the whole of you. Sure gathering experience from the past can be useful in giving grist for the new choice. And exploring future possibilities may assist you in formulating that which you desire/intend most, But the action takes place in the succession of nows. You are required to be a full participant in the process. When you do you get the results. You call to action the Universal Laws to serve you.

Our personal power and capacity to consciously handle the energies in the Now Moment is often a matter of Trust and a succession of leaps of Faith…especially in the early stages. Eventually Trust and Faith become knowable and they integrate right into the process without interruption. Let’s go to the next session action and see how we can put this into place.

Session Action Four: The Point of Action