Life happens…moment by moment. In the new paradigm we are in relationship with all the forms of how that life shows up for us personally, and even in the expanded collective in newer ways (to be explained). What happens is based on our current frequency, our active patterns, our beliefs and thoughts, our spoken intentions, the degree of our personal energetic cleanliness, our relationship with our own Higher Self and Inner Child, etc.

The form of the moment happens around, to and in us and we have a triggered moment, a stimulus. The above determines to a great degree what happens. In the big picture none of what comes our way is haphazards. It is a drawn and managed gathering of energies, intentions, and forces acting in cahoots. Yet many are taught to think that life happens to us…it is cruel and hurtful…that we are really victims. If this is your position then you are likely feeling adrift in a large storm…a bit helpless…a bit adventurous…a  bit lost…a bit uncertain and even fearful of the outcome.

In this way we tend to react to the moments of living. To react is to rebound from the stimulus. When one carries fear and resentment and rage and sadness and judgment then the happenings of the moment tend to seem confrontive, unfair, tragic. A reaction is almost uncontrollable. It elicits additional actions that are in a way randomly predictable…expected and even programmable but erratic in occurrence due to choices in previous moments.

To react is to protect and defend the self. The reaction is not clean. It is a hodgepodge  of triggered reservoir energy that is stuffed with emotional residue that has been waiting to express. In a bigger sense you can begin to see that even in this there is a Universal wisdom. The higher Self orchestrates a situation that elicits a strong reaction to shatter some energetic walls and initiate a new frequency of action. This shatters familiar patterns and even well entrenched comfort zones…good and useful…unless there is simply no awareness of what is going on. For in the reactionary state one is likely in a heightened fear state which will compromise awareness, clarity of thinking, and discernment, triggering fight or flight tendencies.

Do you react to life…like you have been startled or confronted and come up ready to defend with fists blazing? If so, then you might want to reconsider your perspective of life. Reacting is not now based though it may seem so very much so. That which triggers the reaction is energetic storage of the unexpressed from the past. It is volatile, explosive even. It is also a sweeping projection into an imagined (based on the past) vision of a compromised future….is this how you want to live? No?… then stop reacting to the moment’s form.

Choose, rather, to respond. A response is a smooth walk hand in hand with yourself. It is awash in a trust that opens eyes and heart and removes hesitation to explore. A response to your moment’s form will deliver the higher intention of the event. It will immerse you in a variety of possibilities and truly open up the dimensionality of the Eternal Now. Responding to a moment allows you to use discernment with all the information to choose an action to embark upon. Your response is self contained, personal, opening up a host of ways to look at the moment. Additional information surrounding the moment is then free to reach your open awareness. There is no urgency with response for it is just like  a casual walk in the woods. Communicate until the information comes that will deliver the willful decision.

Choosing to respond or react will determine the course of action to the arrival of the now moment. What will you do with it depends on how you face it and integrate it. In that instant the point of action will be discerned and be available for your launch. In the next session action we shall look at what is contained in the point of action.

Isn’t it fascinating what is contained in this simple little moment? A lot is there….that is why the idea of the Eternal Moment is revealing itself. Slowing down the moment opens up the infinite potential contained in this beautiful and potent process there for you to engage.

Session Action Three: Respond or React