Multiple times so far in a variety of sessions I have begun an action with an emphasis on awareness. It is perhaps one of the primary elements of living consciously with a growing access to the design of the Earth Plane. Awareness opens the doors to the oh so much more and reveals to you that which you have not paid attention to thus far.

To be aware is to notice. To notice is to bring attention to. To bring attention to is to magnetize energy. To magnetize energy is to create the first strands of form. Important…yes. Essential, is more like it!

Likely you have not been taught to be aware. Human life is predicated in civilization on distraction and diversion. We learn to not pay attention because, honestly, that makes us influence-able and malleable which is so much more useful to societies that demand a consistent work force that does what it is told. We have been taught to have a short attention span through media (television, radio, video games, etc). Most people are forced to fit into their circumstance, their work, their role. If one pays attention too much to what is going on they may actually see what is going on…and want no part of it. Not good for business…

Let’s take a detour for a moment or two. Life is vibration, periodic oscillations that are constant. The atoms and molecules and microscopic particles of energy never rest. We are comprised of frequency and vibration. We never rest, never sit still…yet schools are all about sitting still. If you can’t then labels are applied and treatments are implemented to force the normal way of sitting still to return. Generations of vital, alive, aware, connected children are programmed via training, consequence and substance to do as their told and be a good little boy…

How does one reclaim awareness. So, returning to attention span, it is popular to label the newer generations as having a short attention span because they won’t sit still for the dogma-tization that they are expected to digest. As stated above, the media and the entertainment industry combine to reinforce the short span with commercials, sound bites, flash images, etc. People are kept stimulated and then chastised for being so…and thus, chemicalization via mood altering drugs are running wild.

In addition, our senses, those glorious interface windows to life on Earth and beyond, are functioning at a severely diminished capacity to keep us from “flipping out”. Psychedelics took the chains off them and allowed glimpses into the fantastic world of vibrating life, as it really is. Why do you think that the Impressionists, especially Van Gogh, have been so popular for so very long? Their seemingly moving art is a not so subtle reminder of the way we are designed and actually seen by those with the capacity to “see”.

Raising one’s vibration in these higher energy times when ascension is just around the corner results in the gradual expansion of the senses. This is a waking up that is rarely acknowledged in society. Rather, the waking up is portrayed as something wrong and thus treated with substance to dumb down the growing awareness. Can you say pharmaceuticals? Can you say opiod? Keep them controlled is the not so subtle clarion call that hallmarks the status quo.

Fortunately the tide is too strong as celestial hands saturate you and me with the very higher vibrations that not only activate the senses but also give us the deeper awareness and eventual understanding to integrate this waking up in a much more fluid way than ever before. This is good news… at some point in the relatively near future the Celestial hands will interrupt the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry/cartel to initiate and facilitate the collapse of the chemical control of humans and the masses will begin to wake up. Then we can begin to cultivate awareness on the mass scale.

In the meantime, it’s for people like you and me, who choose to wake up in a conscious way, to begin to reactivate the innate capacity to become spherically aware. By spherical I mean the capacity to become aware of within and without and all around. We are designed for this.

Once we move in this intentional direction we shall find the senses beginning to blossom to reveal the true nature of the Earthly Kingdom and our own cosmic design. Already more and more are finding expanded capacities to rediscover psychic capacities to see beyond the forms, to hear beyond the normal range of hearing, to feel the sensation of life around us on our skin, to refine our sense of smell for pituitary and pineal activation, to rediscover the subtle palette of live food, and enable the coming on line of “brand new senses”. More on this later.

The eternal now exists everywhere. But if we are out of touch with our own inner realm then we cannot touch the Now for any true revelation for it will be too fleeting. Hear me on this. The Eternal Now is just that, eternal. Lifetimes can be lived in a breath if we choose. Getting in touch will open the doors and windows and invite the whole panorama of life into the room. Do you want that? Or does it scare you. Are you too comfortable in the box of familiar and thus hesitate to look outside the shades to see what all that lovely living is about?

We build the muscles of awareness from the outside in because for far too long we have been directed and manipulated and brainwashed to not feel on the inside. Why would the controllers want people snooping around in the place where all the answers are…the places where the keys to eternal freedom are left in plain sight on the table? We have to shake the inner open. But first, let’s remove the veil to the outer to get used to what being aware is actually like.

Pick a sense, any sense, and put it into action in the outside, just noticing. Wherever attention lands pay attention. Use sight as that is the most familiar. Bring the focus to an object. Now, rather than move on to the next object, stay with the one you brought your awareness to. Start to breathe as you keep your focus on the object. Start to notice the details of the object, what it is made of, what color it is, what shape it is, what it might be used for…stay with it. When you have a greater sense of this object then shift your focus to a soft one, like you are looking through it to see something just beyond it. Keep this focus. You will now see a different version of your object, maybe it has become two, or maybe it has changed color. Stay with it and see if you get the sense that the object starts to move/oscillate, slowly at first. Refrain from pushing too hard to make something happen. After a moment or two shift to another object and repeat the process. In a short time you will find your self looking at things with a greater interest. The things will start to reveal to you more of their true nature. They may give you additional uses. You may get insight about their creation and who was involved in making them. You may get additional insight. Pay attention…

Your hands are sensation magnets, ultra sensitive to the vibration of an object.Your left hand receives energy and information while your right hand send or gives or delivers energy and information.Walk around the house and with your left hand, feel things. Notice first any sensations in your hand, tingling, warmth, coldness, buzzing, just a sensation that wasn’t there before. Simply notice it. Feel your way around the house. Feel the plants, feel the animals. Feel the chairs, the walls, the windows, objects…everything has an energetic signature. Look for them…again, do so with no real attachment. You are simply noticing and developing muscles of awareness.

Go on a listening walk and simply notice. Pay attention to the directions that sounds come from. Turn your head and see how it impacts how you hear. Identify the sounds that you hear. Make up stories about what they are about, who is involved, what is happening.

Notice…notice…notice…and acknowledge the existence of things. Examine common objects. Look at the sky and watch the clouds. Listen to the clouds…pretend they are in conversation with you. Engage a tree with all your senses…pay attention. Open up to life in the expanded way…see what happens.

Now look for natural objects and see them as another object they remind you of in shape or color…make up uses and origin stories…tell their life.

Can you see that awareness engages life? Most of life we do not engage. Nature puts on a moment by moment show. How many really see what she is blessing us with at any moment? Notice…notice. What is going on around you? What are the interactions between things? Where are things heading? Make up stories…tell another…you are beginning to develop a relationship with the eternal Now.

Now turn to your breath. Take a deep one. Now another and this time, feel it from inhalation through storage through exhalation. Pay attention. Breathe through the nose and then the mouth. Notice the sensations.

Most of us have been taught to not trust the body, to not pay attention, to be critical of it, to abuse it in one way or another. We were taught to be numb and when we felt a sensation or an ache or a tingling then something was wrong. We were taught to medicate away discomfort, to not pay attention to callings from within, to put lots of energy into sickness and disease as inevitable occurrences somewhere in out life span. We were basically taught to be out of touch…unaware.

TO rediscover the magical Now of the eternal kind one must have the courage to go back inside, into the depths to touch the sensations and see what they are made of, from whence they came, to where they lead, to what message they carry. For in truth, every inside sensation has information and meaning for you in this Now Moment. We have shared before that your own physical and energetic body’s are designed for significant longevity and miraculous but routine, self repair. There are always message being sent to your conscious self. Do you pay attention? Or do you reach for the next shiny object?

We are designed to have constant conscious communication with every cell if we so desire. We can redirect energy within at our every whim as we ascertain the lay of the land and augment the areas that could use an influx of intentional vibration. We can connect and unify the inner with the outer. Are you getting what I am saying? We are oh, so much more. But we cannot activate and access that unless we are first aware that we can and willing to do.

Start by choosing a point, an area within the body and bring your focus to it. Stay there until you can feel a sensation, a slight buzz. When you do choose another spot and connect. DO this until you are confident that you have established relationship with your physical self. Now, one must overcome the learning that any sensation we pick up in the body means something is awry. Our programmed numbness only means we are woefully out of touch. The physical body is alive and oscillating and yearning to be unified with itself and the Cosmos. Are you ready and willing for this to make manifest?

Start to respond to any calling from the body, a sensation, a tingling, a sharp pain, a dull ache, an itch, etc. Each indicates that the body is communicating, likely inviting you to bring attention to release some stuck energy or blockage. The body is designed for self care and constant cleansing. Knowing this and allowing this will change the way you do life to free up your zest and adventure and enjoyment of your moments. Without blockages you are in the flow. When you reclaim the flow then you are at the doorway of the Eternal Now.

Choose to make a conscious connection with each of the in body chakras. One by one access them and send conscious high frequency energy to call them into the alignment that is contained in your design. Instruct them to bring to your awareness any issue that brings clarity to your relationship. Bring the breath into each and notice the result. When you are around another life form consciously send out a cord from one and see what you sense. Be sure to retract the cord when you are done “experimenting” What you are doing here is learning the rules of the road, just finding out what this thing can do. Once you open the door and invite the body and the energetic system to function as designed, you activate an exponential understanding and playful use of you as a whole being, eventually. But, as you know, you must take the conscious step to initiate or it will simply function well enough and wait for you to knock on the door.

The Eternal Now contains everything…every potential, every choice in motion, every bit of wisdom, all the guidance necessary, the answer to any question we could ever pose…it is expansive the more you invest in it. And though it seems like we move from one to the next it is really a continuum that feeds itself. It is the all encompassing sphere that invites investment to determine the direction of the now unfolding “next moment”. It is in this domain where you regulate how life shows up for you, where you set the table for what you desire, where you practice the gentle and necessary art and science of self care, where you live the life well lived, where you remember and reclaim the truth of your being and access the magnificence of your own I Am That I Am Expressing As Me.

The Cosmos responds to questions and personal inquiries. It moves to fill your intentions. It feeds you the energies necessary to access the current thought in form. It nurtures you on multi-dimensional levels. It invites you to explore. It reminds you of what you incarnated for and delivers to you the gifts of your own growing awareness…all in the Now.

So, we must not only become versed in paying attention to the Now but also claiming it as it shows itself. And it is to this end that much of our session work shall be directed.

For now, take a breath and notice all that is going on, within and without. See just how much you can take in. You will likely be surprised at your own capacity for wholeness…that will reveal itself to you in direct response to your good faith.

Session Action One: Becoming Aware of the Eternal Now