The idea and exploration of the fulfilling work life is in transition from what it was 20 years ago to what it will become in the years to come. We can owe this to the shifting energies that are giving rise to new personal frequencies of vibration that are leading to a restructuring of priorities stemming from the expansive new levels of awareness and knowing. We are waking up to a deeper understanding and applied living of our original design as a spiritual being living in a human physical body.
Choosing to live in the new paradigms is resulting in a restructuring/ even dismantling of what was considered “normal” not so long ago. In fact, the use of normal as a collective base will lose favor as we awaken to the integration of the personalized life in our own I Am Frequency. This unique frequency is what shall be setting the forms of living for each of us. It will also be an integrating force into the unification of all life in the expansive Oneness. Wrapping our brains around this may take some time. But, do understand that we are in a process of morphing individually and as a whole. The I Am that you are becoming is at the same time, integrating with the whole to live in separate Oneness. Yep…that is what I said. Not quite graspable yet…be patient, grasshopper!
We are being removed slowly from the live to work to survive mode and introduced into the live in/as the Unique I Am Frequency while doing work that fulfills our creative spark, our design for service to humanity and the whole of life, our design to contribute to the greater good of all, our design that calls for the manifestation into form of the idea frequencies we channel, our need to provide the elements of basic needs for ourselves and our charges…and so much more. Work shall evolve into a primary tool for expanded fulfillment. It will, however, be only one of the elements that will define the “life of fulfillment”.
When the limitations are lifted within and without, things change rapidly and in profound ways. What we used to do will be relegated to a choice. Sure, we can continue on working for a living at all costs if we so desire. And many shall as the addiction to the stress chemicals and material rewards keep them reaching for that “dream”. For the rest, those consciously awakening to their true design and witnessing its manifestation into the forms of living will spiral into a new way of life, formed in the now moments of living.
Fulfilling work shall rise out of these knowings:
As you can see from the above list that unfolded here, the more you are in alignment with your true design, then the more life serves you, delivering fulfillment in thought, form, and action. If you would go so far as to consider that this is where you are headed energetically in these times, then you might be willing to start acting as if the above is as it is right now. And as we have established so many times thus far in this course, the more you align then the more shows up in alignment, the spiral keeps expanding.
Right livelihood is a result of your willingness to let go of the limited thinking, beliefs, and the patterns that sustain those beliefs. In doing so you allow your own design to grow into form and action. Entering this flowing domain sets you in the sea of abundance. This reinforces living in balance, joy, trust, and fulfillment…and so much more. How good do you want it? Comes to mind here…
Your loyalty to the old ways will deliver the familiar which may serve your fear quotient, but will restrict significantly, your capacity to thrive in the loving hands of the Cosmos.
You will be taken care of. In this higher state of awareness there is a knowing that diminishes fear, allowing you to step beyond the forms of normalcy to access the infinite. It is in this infinite essence that you blossom. You are revealed to you with each progressive step…if you pay attention. This need will activate the expansion of your senses so that they can begin to integrate the subtle energies that are part of all things. These subtle energies are the filaments of Oneness that are reaching out and in to one another to connect the infinite in a way that honors the Source Collective as well as your unique unwavering frequency of I Am That I Am Expressing As Me.
Your work is a tool for expansion, a result of your inner work well done. The vehicle of conscious attention to what is before you opens inner and outer doors that reveal the bigger picture that contains the personal keys of awareness you need to alchemize the etheric substance into the form that harmonizes your intentions. Work is not about making a living…it is living a life that is birthed in your awareness moments. You are ongoing. You invest in that which is before you to let it become your current work. As you attend, the direction, as well as the tools, reveal themselves to your conscious self via inner and outer guidance. As you grow in process trust you find that you live in the infinite now more and more. Your life becomes spontaneous and almost self directed. Trusting this allows you to be fulfilled in anything before you because you know the way it works.
This is the life we are designed for. It is the life that the dimension is set up to support. Your hesitancy has been pathological and has kept you and the bulk of humanity in a morass of lower frequency that substitutes as a desirable and seductive that pales exponentially to what you are created to be and experience. These times are set in motion to facilitate mass change, whether you are on board or not. Resistance will bring pain of all kinds, particularly forms that will speak to you directly (to intentionally initiate an active desire to get out and beyond it). We are on our way to the other side of revelation…into the magnificent land of conscious I Am.
Those that are willing to walk into the illusion and cross the veil of what has masqueraded as life, will find themselves in the thick of waking up, remembering, and reactivating the personalized Divine Design. It is guaranteed and it is based on your good faith action taken in the successive breaths between now and whatever it takes. Nothing is being given without a need for reciprocal action on your part. And action you must take…surrender, and let go, and step into the unknown. These actions will build the muscles of unwavering faith to allow you to open the seemingly impenetrable doors of the sustained collective belief that humanity has subscribed to for far too long.
The good life will follow the faith and the first step. It will sweep through us all in an unprecedented wave that shatters the devotion to less than and the fear based smokescreen that bound our feet to groveling…this is not who you or I are. Never has been.
You want to thrive? You want to wake up to meaningful work that lifts you into the perpetual arms of inspiration? Do you want to lay down once and for all any hint of limitation and launch the expanded knowing that anything is possible and probable? Do you want to snuggle up with abundance and walk hand in hand with the reward of a conscious action that serves the Oneness? Do you want to simply be who you have always been, this time unfettered and free to access all of your tools from all of your lives and move about in joyful service to that which is before you?
I sure as hell do! And to that end I run to the cliff of separation and launch myself into the abyss of transformation where I will reboot the Holy I Am That I Am and rise like the Phoenix into the place of peace that invites me to deliver the gifts that flow ever through me, seeding anyone who comes into my field with the mirror of their own truth which will trigger their own active reclamation. That is the Holy work we can do for one another. And, in so doing, life will deliver the treasure to sustain the thriving.
Any questions? OK…then get working…