When we start to embrace the very big picture of we we got to this moment in time, we begin to reveal the nuances of that journey.In regards to our work, we are under the influence of many factors, the family perspectives and models, the social and culture pressures, the allegiance to normal we have, the depth and degree of our personal woundings that have instilled beliefs and patterns, our history of achievement and success, stress and pressure (self inflicted or external), our views and beliefs about money, our degree of connection with our deeper self that carries vision and purpose, the state of the business world, our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health, our level of competitive energy, our self esteem and judgments, how we see others, how we communicate, how we speak our truth, our capacity to learn, our ability to make decisions and take action on those decisions…on and on it goes.
All of the above will impact how we show up to our moments of living, how life manifests before us, and the degree to which we feel balanced and fulfilled. All of the above can be massaged and cleared and improved and we can move into a clearer and cleaner version of ourselves that aligns with our true design…if we choose to. And this is critical. The degree to which you allow life to flow and choose to take action on that which is brought to your own altar of awareness will determine to a large extent your quality of life.
Please remember that you are here to remember fully who you are by design and by Celestial history, to be the full expression of your own I Am That I Am Expressing As Me…nothing more and nothing less. Your free will choices will be a mighty determiner of your full throttled living.
In my view point your right livelihood reveals itself as you clear the debris and reclaim your own center that reflects your knowing of your true design. It is, in a sense, the celebration of your own homecoming. The chakras are designed to force clearing in a sequence of one every seven years starting at 21 just to prepare you for the arrival of higher frequency chakras coming on line around 63 years of age. Because we are designed for greater longevity, 63 is not even considered middle age. We have been taught differently and carry the time sensitive burden that we only have so much time to get’er done!
Too many feel they have failed, when it is highly possible that all that has occurred has been to prepare you for the time when you would start to get out of your own way, perhaps post retirement. But, many are exhausted or discouraged at this point, invested in the negatives of growing older, and simply lose their own fire and slide towards what they consider the inevitable conclusion…death.
So, reaching, revealing, reclaiming right livelihood is a beautiful process where everything that has ever occurred for you is offering information, clues to redirect you towards the discovery. Perhaps reflecting on the journey thus far can provide some revelations of how you have been on task the whole time.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to start to open you to clarifying the picture of you and your work.
- Where have you been on fire in this life? Completely excited, energetic, and devoted to what was before you? What were you doing? How did this feel? Be specific.
- What is it you love to do? What brings you joy and inspires you?
- What are the places where you have stumbled and failed? Look at them by listing them. What was the consequence for you with each? Now, through the eyes of hindsight, reflect and list what came of those failures. What did you learn from them? Did you access a dormant quality, find new motivation, learn a new skill?
- How much money do you need to live the life that would feed your whole being? Step out of any addictions to the acquisition of stuff for stuff’s sake, or being driven to the better than so and so, or using money and things to fill a hole that has been you for longer than you remember.
- How are you with people? Love ‘em or want to leave ‘em? How are your people skills? Do you get charged by being around them or do you need solitude to recharge? Can you work together with others for a common intention and cause?
- Reflect on moments/times when you were ready to or did give up and walk away from what was? What was behind that? Circumstances? Decisions? Treatment? Personal roadblocks? Feelings of incompetence? What happened when you did? The good? The not so good? The eventual result?
- Reflect on work outside of your “real job(s)”. How are you there? What is different?
- Make an exhaustive list of your skills.
- Make an exhaustive list of your talents.
- In what ways do you consider yourself a Master?
- List the “problems” you identify in the world. Be thorough.
- Play with this one with wonder, imagination, and guidance: list ten professions you have had in previous incarnations.
- Play and recall/make up times when you were a boss in those past lives. What kind of boss were you? How did you treat those under you? Were you fair? Respectful? Abusive? Self serving? Take the first thoughts and put them down.
- Make a make believe list of times when you were an underling, an indentured servant, a slave, a kept person. Reflect and flesh out each a bit.
- Now take the last two tasks and compare them to who you see yourself as and how life shows up for you in this incarnation. Can you see connections? If so, list them. To what degree has each impacted you? Are you willing to create separation from them?
- If so, here is one way to do so: Ask where the energetic connection is kept within you (physical location). Take the first thought. Now imagine a cord going from that spot out of you into the etheric distance. At the other end is the incarnate life, you in this capacity. Your intention here is to connect and negotiate and create separation with the one at the end of the life. Talk to them. Make it up. Play with it. See what you get. Insight? Validation? Emotion? Decisions made that transcend time and space? Listen to it all. You will know when what is important has been shared. Ask the being to agree to separating the connection. Tell them it will free them on their journey and it will free you up from your current incarnate patterns as well. DO what you can to get agreement. When you do then count to three and cut the connection with your right hand, both of you. Say the phrase Suh Htep Nah as you cut. Immediately fill in the space where the cord was connected in you, with a color, an intention, an energy, white Light, etc. Take a breath, become aware of your feet and then do another, as many times as you choose. Notice how it feels and then start to pay attention to you in the world as the days go by. Any changes in forms, results, actions, people types? Be curious and pay close attention to the nuances of the moments. If you could not get agreement to cut the cord, then cut it on your own and follow with the actions above…fun stuff, huh?
The more you clear the energetic impact of moments and lives lived, then the higher your personal frequency evolves. As that frequency raises you activate your inherent design, bringing it online to be an expanded you. When it comes online then you become aligned with the flow of life in supremely expanded ways. Your lack of resistance allows the forms that have been waiting to reveal make manifest to your conscious self. You start to enter the oneness connection and notice how your seeming random experiences of life thus far are actually giving rise to a new revelation of what you are to do with your life now that you have grown up.
Your right livelihood finds you through your beliefs, actions and intentions. What you are here to do takes form and guides you into the appropriate actions. All that is necessary to support the manifestation in the form of resources, people, tools, skills, will arrive in response to your openness and good faith.
This unfoldment is a result of inner work you do to manifest an aligned outer world. Is it the only way? Of course not…but it is thorough and will allow you to flow unfettered through purposeful work that aligns with your personal design.
Even as you do the work to clear you can consciously choose actions that will augment your clearing. For example:
- Determine any messages/attitudes you developed towards work during your growing up years. Release them energetically and also reframe them with new understandings/perspectives.
- Clean up any energetic debris from your own work life: attitudes, beliefs, hurts, compromises, judgments, criticisms, beliefs, etc.
- Start to notice what comes into your focus regarding what you want/choose to do with your time. There may be inner redirects coming forward to act upon.
- Notice any judgments/criticisms/reactions you have towards people who are “successful”. Make notes. See if you apply them to yourself. If so, observe and catch them and replace them with life affirming statements repeatedly.
- Start finding pleasure and fulfillment in the natural world, in doing things that do not require huge expenditures of money or effort. Put time into activities that affirm life and help you feel satisfied, clear, and joyful.
- Research the idea of volunteering to aid some local area of need. Give time and effort rather than money so you can get into direct contact with those you are serving.
- Purposely look to be compassionate, caring, and empathetic to those around you.
- See the world as a whole, not the sum of its disgruntled parts. Anything that polarizes you against it is worth letting go of…by educating and empathizing to get a broader perspective.
- Rediscover manners and kindness to those who cross your path.
- Look for beauty in life…in every situation you find yourself.
- Rediscover fun and laughter with people or on your own. Entertain yourself and let that spill into spreading lightness and joy.
- Feel what you feel by not resisting it. Become aware of how feelings feel in your body. Notice how they express, where they are noticed, how they are triggered…move to let them move to complete release.
- Rediscover movement and play. Use your voice more for things beyond conversation or instruction. Make sound and notice how using your voice feels. Speak words that have long been unsaid in a place that is safe to you. Give more compliments and say hello more to people passing by.
- Engage life beyond your familiar comfort zone. In fact, step out of that comfort zone daily.
- Make particular note of new areas of interest that arise. Also keep track of interests that have been long standing. These can be clues to that which you are aligning to do.
- You may already have a strong sense of a particular calling. Even if it is not your current work, give it attention and spend time engaging it. We cannot hold back from the pulses within that steer us towards the place we set in motion before we incarnated…no accidents.
- Spend time in self appreciation and celebration. Holding compromised self esteem issues can divert us from opening to the greater callings that are lining up.
- This life and this incarnation dimension is so immense that it is hard to hold to a single life’s work. Likely you are hear for a variety of purposes and intentions. The spirit of being in alignment and in the flow can transcend all of them and leave you in a joyful balance no matter what you do.
- When you do any work, start working from an open heart, from a place of loving what you are currently engaged in even if it doesn’t seem like the life’s work you were born to embrace ( as if there really was one).
- Jettison limited thinking. Anything that restricts you is suspect and likely learned along the way when you were being held back by circumstance, belief, or person. We are simply not what we have been taught to believe. It is time to rediscover the true design. Take away the restrictions first…and watch the revelations come dancing.
Things like this will change your personal vibration. This change will assist in clearing some energetic baggage which will raise your frequency to attract new energies in alignment with the new you. All of this will combine to start revealing your work and right livelihood. Can you see that right livelihood is a result of you truly being you? When that is active there is no compromising that truth and it flows in and out and all around. This dimensional incarnation is meant to be a beautiful flowing adventure. We are entering the time when this will make manifest…at which point we will find that what we do at any time is fulfilling and in alignment with a life’s work…and we will stand in the arms of right livelihood.
As a note you can access other perspectives on right livelihood, which began in the words of the Buddha so long ago. In the higher frequency clarity of I Am we find we are completely able to be our Celestial design while being unified in the collective oneness that showers abundance all over us. Life is prosperous and shall seed the faithful with all they would ever need to keep doing the work of sowing Love in each breath to one another and self.
Step whole heartedly into this new version of your eternal self in incarnate expression. A good time will be had by all…