According to Merriam Webster Dictionary there are 17 different definitions/uses for work as a verb and 12 different uses as a noun. Synonyms include labor, toil, drudgery, travail, grind, employment, calling, vocation, profession, trade, business, pursuit, occupation, and MÉTIER, which implies a calling or pursuit for which one believes oneself to be especially fitted. One can have an avocation that is additional work that one enjoys more than regular work. Or one can have a hobby that is enjoyable and fulfilling outside of one’s regular work.

It is plain that work is a word that is simply overworked…

Out of all these expressions the primary definition when one thinks of work is the one that defines what one does for a living, for better or worse. In most cases it carries a heavy energy and weight that is in direct contrast to its opposite, play.

Let’s just continue with a kind of stream of consciousness reflection on work in humanity’s history:

  1. One has to work for a living
  2. Certain jobs are better than others
  3. Certain jobs are more valued by society and one receives higher pay for doing that work.
  4. Many work to make money, period. They do what they need to do to get by.
  5. Most do not work for fulfillment.
  6. Children, with little life experience outside of the home are often prodded to tell what they want to be when they grow up.
  7. The value and pay of a job is relative and arbitrary. Entertainment is more valued than teaching and receives astronomically more pay.
  8. The pursuit of more and more money has become a driving force in the kind of work people do, regardless of whether they “like it or not”
  9. Work habits and personal integrity vary from person to person.
  10. People work because they have to, not because they want to (not always)
  11. It used to be that one took a job and stayed with it to their retirement, progressing via promotion higher up the job structure hierarchy.
  12. Nowadays people change jobs often, usually to get more money.
  13. Service jobs and jobs that keep society moving are not valued, though essential, and receive less pay.
  14. Minimum wage jobs will not allow someone to live basically. Families have to have multiple workers to get buy.
  15. The evolution of the corporate structure and hierarchy has resulted in a wide gap between the top and the bottom. Often there is more interest in the corporation to shower excessive wealth on the bosses and shareholders than to provide a decent wage to the ones who are actually doing the work.
  16. Work means survival in many third world countries. This is a growing reality in the rest of the world now.
  17. Work used to have integrity and honor. People were proud of what they did and made sure they did quality work.
  18. That attitude has diminished so much that many just do not care and have no loyalty to the job or the work. Poor quality is common place
  19. The common work ethic has been compromised by a growing sense of entitlement.
  20. Most are unhappy with work. They yearn for something better that pays more. They carry frustration and anger and stand at the edge of hopelessness.
  21. Books abound about finding ways to work less and get more. Get rich schemes and promises are seductive and too often clutched at.
  22. Education used to be a viable means to getting a “better paying, more fulfilling job” in a major area of personal interest.
  23. Physical work or group work with too many repeating motions can cause significant conditions that may result in the worker becoming unemployable and supported by government compensation.
  24. Yearning to  be successful and valued will often lead one to take the credit route. This can quickly become a state of of indentured servitude due to the way the banks and institutions run their interest scams.
  25. The cost of education has skyrocket. The prestige of being in a better school puts great pressure on families to go into great debt. Students who take loans to finance education have found that the institutions have removed that debt from bankruptcy . Students end up with lower paying jobs and a mountain of unforgivable debt. A sure recipe for living in a state of servitude.
  26. Automation of repetitive motion actions in the workplace have resulted in large numbers of workers being laid off. Replacement jobs for these low skilled workers are few and far between.
  27. In a bigger picture the whole idea of work keeps the bulk of the people on a seemingly endless treadmill of  doing work that is unfulfilling and does not pay enough to allow them to lift out of their circumstances.
  28. Education is used to train people to be able to sit still and do what you are told…thus making them good workers to some a business/boss that is using them to exponentiate their own wealth at the expense of the work force.
  29. Workers are kept in their place by the threat of the loss of work, by societal laws, and the enforcement of those laws by the police.
  30. Most workers are used to benefit the company and the higher ups. They have little real value as they are easily replaceable.
  31. In the US other cultures/Mexicans have been seduced by a better living to become the worker bees/ants for the society. They are paid less for the same work by a “citizen”. They are the hard laborers.
  32. Society in the civilized world has become class based defined by standard of living, work prestige, and the size of one’s bank account.
  33. Those born into privilege and wealth often get to bypass the process and indoctrination into the work force, assuming prestigious jobs simply because they are family.
  34. The out of control medical industry has further subjugated the work force by making health costs outrageous, even criminal, tying them to huge debt by perpetuating the fear of disease and death. The pharmaceutical cartels have horrendously promised and provided “health” with pills to cure a symptom while at the same time causing a host of side effects worse and more deadly than the one being treated. The general workforce has really become just simple expendable fodder.
  35. Unions designed to support the rights of workers are too often compromised by the greed of the so-called leaders who accept payoffs from the very ones they are sworn to negotiate with on behalf of their members. Everyone seems to have a price.
  36. The fluid nature of money allows for continued manipulation of elements like interest rate, inflation, credit, printing money, cost of goods, tariffs, etc to make the situation even more inconsistent and volatile.
  37. Class of work has long been clothed in the disguise of cultural and racial veneer. Certain peoples get certain jobs. People are not taken for their character and skill, but for their appearance and bloodline. It happens far too much. Yes, certain less wealthy countries are used by US business corporations to manufacture and grossly undercut cost, forcing workers to function in compromised conditions and at a pittance of a wage for excessively long hours. It is downright cruel what people will do to one another to make a buck…
  38. Banks have convinced the masses to give them their money so that the bank can use it to make money for themselves. People are seduced by the idea of savings accounts and IRAs and investments. Most of these can be again, artificially manipulated by those who run them to cause great losses for those investing, but not those running it. Too many are on the take…the workforce is divided between the workers and the uber wealthy white collar band of marauders.
  39. The great American Dream is being exposed as a prison sentence. Owning a business is not as enticing as it once was. The costs of the basics for survival have outdistanced the pay checks. Too many are parlaying their personal pain into the manipulation of others to get money fast in whatever means they can come up with, with no conscience.
  40. For most, work is a nightmare. The system has failed humanity for the most part.

This is not what it is supposed to be. The yearning of every individual to be productive and secure the means to provide a comfortable life for their family is the long standing “promise” of the civilized. Sadly, it has not really turned out that way for far too many in this world. This is why change is afoot.

In a shift in consciousness the collective is starting to see that things are not as they have been portrayed. The holes in the work scam are becoming visible. Money is on shaky ground. More and more people are turning from the institutions and the way it has been. Business as usual is not happening as much. A growing number are realizing that they have been had and are seeing that this is not the way that life is meant to be. Generations are being born that do not subscribe to the way things have been done. They are designed with new visions and capacities to facilitate big changes, regardless of what has been considered normal or desirable.

It is obvious that this is not right livelihood. This is mostly criminal, a form that has been bought into and perpetuated for far too long at far too great a cost to the common human…

But the Celestial energetic intervention has struck home first in each human being to begin to break up the energetic debris that assisted in stealing away one’s motivation and desire to take new action, keeping them afraid of change and losing it all…enough to keep them working for not much at all, money or fulfillment.

That intervention is stirring the yearning for the activation of creativity as wonder and imagination to begin to create new work that is fulfilling, inspired, beneficial to humanity, life affirming, etc.

We shall explore this in the last two session actions. For now we had to revisit just how crappy it has been for so many. You could say we are on the brink of revolution. Surely, it could spill into the streets and have the masses who have been subjugated for so very long take back their power and their means to re-establish dignity and purpose.  And just as surely, it could be an inside job that wakes each one up to take personal action to create  new work that is aligned to their own vibration.

Let us start to make this happen…at last.

Session Action Five: A Big Look at Work