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Dis-ease can lead to a variety of forms of living. Some are caught and treated with Western Medicine techniques that cure the symptoms, at least temporarily. Others are cleared in the root cause through a variety of techniques that clear the energy and thoughts responsible for its manifestation. While, for others, the journey leads to transformation of form into the multi-dimensional fabric…leaving the physical body behind.

Death is an adventure in remembering. It is personal for each who walks through the door. If the death is quick then there is little time for reflection, remembering, or reawakening. If, instead, death follows a lengthy period of terminal illness, one has the opportunity to look at oneself, for better or worse. Studies show that most people have some insight during the process. They awaken to who they are truly, beyond the forms of life they chose, the family, the culture, the work, the beliefs. Often, the more conscious the journey is the more profound the awakening. So, that the moment of transition occurs, the soul is ready, willing, and able to step into the new dimension.

The music of Mark Stanton Welch can be a welcome friend during this path’s travels. The songs speak of a clarity of knowing about who we are. They offer perspectives that are strangely familiar to the depths of our being. They assist in clearing out the old, hindering, limited thinking and beliefs that helped bring about the condition in the first place. They feed and nourish the spirit and assist in expanding vibration and opening doors to unseen assistance and support. They invite singing, which energizes the cells and raises one’s frequencies into lighter places.

You are invited to explore the songs and find those that will walk beside you, nourish you, and help you remember just how beautiful and wonderful you are and have always been…

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Music for Every Soul

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Songs included in the  Here in the Heart Compilation  Be Here Now I Am Love Genesis Strength Carry That Load Angel Opening Up Wake Up Heartbeat Here in the Heart Awakening Taking a Look Cradle Me I Went Out Under Heaven Thank You for Loving Me Here in the Heart CD Purchase and Individual Song Downloads

Theme Series CD: Hospice 1

Songs included in the Eternal Soul CD compilation  I Am at Ease The Face of God It Doesn’t Matter You’re Not Alone Eternal Soul Contemplation It’s You, Lord I Wonder I Feel the Fear Mask Unimaginable Me My Joyful Vow According to My Faith Wellness Eternal Soul CD Purchase and Individual Song Downloads

Theme Series CD: Hospice 2

Into the physical Spirit descends

For lessons and creative times

When plans are complete
Then body is released

Soul does return to the Light

 And I go on and on

 The I that is me  Living life after life

 I go on and on

 Eternal Soul never dies

 Me, I AM always alive

     Eternal Soul by Mark Stanton Welch

Click to listen to song samples and to purchase  this CD

Click to listen to song samples and to purchase and download this CD or the individual songs

Click to listen to song samples and to purchase  this CD

Click to listen to song samples and to purchase and download this CD or the individual songs

To transition is to move from one form to another. It can be a gentle process resulting from a conscious journey of inner change or it can be a roller coaster that follows a shocking and catalytic event....or anywhere in between. As one consciously transcends, there is integration, increased awareness, choice, and more integration. It is a process. Even when it is seemingly spontaneous, there can be a flow in. In fact, as you would think by now, the more conscious one is, the more likely the big picture is embraced and one expands in a spherical way...into the brand new world

These are, essentially, bridge songs...gentle reminders of the energy of incarnation and the knowings carried in, now being refreshed on the way out of the dimension and the physical. They are intended to reduce the amount of fear and anger and confusion and sadness and name it. They feed the spirit and the energy field to mightily assist the mechanics of the upcoming release. Clearing debris is so powerful even right up to the last breath. Leaving with no tethers gives the big. big picture right away...

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