I am in a state of absolute trust when I sit in front of the topic at hand. I do the research and let it inspire then I assimilate it into a personal language that is my “style” and present it. Do I hesitate…there is no opportunity to do so. If I run into a plateau then I shift to another topic…for as we know there are plenty of those in these sessions. And is stuff coming up for me…you bet…and I resist and I hurt and I get angry and I cry and I feel lonely and I want to be recording and I want to spend money…and I allow all of that and it brings me back to the keyboard and I start to listen again…from a higher frequency because of all I just let go of. I hardly have the time to embrace the changes I am personally experiencing and, that is a very good thing, as it does not allow me to get caught in a poor me eddy or afford the chance to run my I-don’t-want-to-do-this diversion. I am discovering that showing up is primary to embracing the change.

So why am I taking this route here in this session introduction? I really do not know…but if I have to articulate I would say that I hear some rumblings and feel them as well. I know many faces of resistance and I know how they can divert the flow of energy. Sure, I will deliver a bunch of ideas and ways to massage your inner and outer energy field in this session but they will just become a list of things to do if we do not take stock of where we each stand after three months of this. This course is not easy. Not only is much of the information challenging to the old ways, but the exercises are stirring our personal pot at the same time. And when we choose to do the actions then we shift our vibration and old stuff starts to move to clear…which creates discomfort and leads to resistance and something else to do with my time. It is all energy. And it is moving. Are you? Allowing the flow is the best way to work with energy. No resistance. Focused awareness on everything within and without while staying in a balanced state of nothing really matters…get it? Attainable? Not from a place of resistance and old school disbelief. But, from the New True You…absolutely, this and oh so much more.

Mystery schools used to be full of demanding exercises to weed out the ones who weren’t ready and amplify the inner focus, strength, and will of those who are. The exercises involved the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Nothing was excluded. The slate had to be cleared to raise the vibrational frequency high enough to be able to handle the intense frequency of the information being delivered. The challenge of these times is that we have availability of the treasured mystery school information right on the Internet for all to access. The collective vibration is high enough that anyone can handle it. Those of lower frequency will not be called by it and will likely be judgmental of it. That has the same effect of 12 hour mystery school rituals to weed out the ones who were not ready.

What I am hearing from participants here is a struggle with having enough time. You have been freed from having to do any of it. That allows you to use discernment and develop muscles of will to then take action. It hones your awareness skills and lets you set your own path. Yet, the old ways are strong and easily divert us into overwhelm and we attend to the momentary challenge and forget about daily work on ourselves through the course. Funny thing is is that the course and where you are going with it is attracting the very situations you are ready to experience, face, and move through by applying the very information and skill building given in the sessions thus far. None of this is accidental. You are the regulator of your forms. None of us is a victim of life. We are ready for anything that finds its way to the altar of our awareness. No exceptions. Please consider all of this. Perhaps that will propel you to take off the current cloak of limitations that has revealed itself. Can you believe enough in you to laugh at the face of what comes, accepting the challenge that it lays in your hands knowing full well that I Got This!?

This is how you regulate your energy. By doing that which is before you with full consciousness, awareness, and confidence. Since there is no reason to be afraid of the outcome any more, what is there to lose? Yes, nothing… the energy is in constant motion responding immediately to your now moment choices. Please accept that power…it is a primary design element. The forms come as a result of what you chose in the current now. Simple. Tend to the moment and direct your life. What you do either amplifies your energy or dissipates it. You must choose your response to the moment and thus you will be given the result of your choice. Self-regulating you. Getting out of the way and letting the design regulate and take over for the thought based/belief driven control tactics of before will free you up to live the juicy life.

The inner energy is fed by the Cosmic in accordance with your energetic anatomy. It works unless you set up resistance. You set up fields of resistance when you play small, when you do not speak your truth, when you swallow and store the energetics of experience, when you run from emotion, when you fail to see and claim and celebrate your magnificence, when you take the low road and turn away from the homeward call. So remove the resistance consciously and the design will take over. The specific forms of the resistance are known by you intimately. Be transparent and own the old programming. Lay it on the table and sift through those old ways to jettison the most lethal perpetrators of pain. This is what you can and must do to jump start the energetic anatomy to self cleanse. Yes, that is right…your action reignites the system automatically (when you reclaim the pre-ordained frequency of vibration). Trust these words and jump with both feet into doing what you can do to see what happens…why not?!

The outer energy fields are simply a reflection of the inner state. The forms are in alignment with your beliefs, thoughts, patterns, choices, actions. Regulate the inner and the outer will not be a problem at all. We are unified in a growing understanding of Oneness, aspects of Source connected by the glue of Big Love. This cannot be undone. As we are all swept into the embracing of this, it is useless to resist…though you may just want to do it for the wild ride that is sure to come.

Can you shore up the outer? Yes, and that is what the rest of this session contains, ways to do this. Can you support the flow of the inner? Absolutely…and that, too, is what the rest of this session contains, more ways to do this, as well. But, these will fall short of potential if you still hold to old ways, old patterns, old beliefs, old fears. It is clear what you must do. Find that personal clarity and take action. The more you attend the more will be revealed. The more that is revealed then the higher your vibrational frequency becomes. The higher that frequency becomes then the more you flow. The more you flow the more you Know. That Knowing shatters anything unlike it to reveal your personal kingdom. How much do you want it? Answer that and you have your personal ticket to the stars in your self powered vehicle.

Session 3 Introduction Continued