Keep the energy in flow, unimpeded, unblocked…that is all that is necessary to achieve and maintain the perfect state of health. OK…great…so, what is involved in doing this?

Initially, it is useful to know that there are inner checks and balances that function to keep the flow fluid…many of which are automatic. It actually takes effort and ignorance to create a blockage along an energy channel as many are self cleaning, self perpetuating by design. Unfortunately, the collective and historical ignorance, much programmed, of humanity has made it much easier for one to become backed up and overtly sluggish. Practicing conscious and focused self care to facilitate the basic needs being met (effective sleep, hydration, nutrition, deep breathing, regular movement and exercise, higher frequency thinking and beliefs, etc.) is a sure way to support the natural and highly efficient design. So, how are you with that?

Ultimately, you are dealing with cellular care, glandular care, organ care, meridian care, chakra care, nervous system care, brain/mind care, digestive/elimination care, conscious energetic release from moments of living, chi care, and monitoring of thoughts. Take care of each of these and all is well…really? Yes…goodness!…yes…it is a lot. But remember, you are dealing with one of the most complex creations and designs in the Cosmos, the human body. And, you are waking up to your own expanded capacity to multitask in multi-dimensional ways…

Let’s look briefly at each and establish a means or two to facilitate the desired flow:

Cellular Care
Reread the section on cells and cellular communication. Become familiar with the process of how your own body replicates cells. Drink plenty of clean vital water. Choose to communicate with your cells in affirmation, celebration, and gratitude for their remarkable, consistent work and support of the physical you.  

Glandular care
Get familiar with the relationship between chakras and the endocrine glands. Notice where you keep your energetic baggage and further support the associated gland with that chakra. Keep the chakra clear by releasing the energetic debris. Affirm and call upon the gland to continue to do its special tasks to keep you purring. Communicate with each to appreciate and celebrate the devotion to your health. Apply, on a regular basis, the specific audible tones that support the gland.

Organ care
First, become very familiar with the location and function of each organ in your body (you’d be surprised how many do not have a clue about their own makeup/design). On a regular basis place your hand over the organ and send love and support and appreciation. Ask questions about its health and what you can do to keep it in the frequency of its design. Play the audible tones for each organ regularly, doing more so for the organs that need it.

Meridian care
Become familiar with your internal meridian system, the location, the responsibility of each, how the inner system is connected. Pay attention to sensations on or just below the skin. It could be a point that is calling you. Consciously rub or even stimulate with finger or pencil eraser the very point. Regularly traverse each meridian and look for sensitive/painful points. This indicates blockage. Manipulate the point until the pain diminishes. Some points have to be tended regularly for awhile. Become familiar with foot, hand, and ear reflexology and massage them daily, if possible. This can go a long way in keeping the system fluid. Listen to the audible tones regularly to augment the energy and flow of each meridian

Chakra care
Learn where each chakra is located in the body, front and back. Now keep a part of your consciousness attending them for any signs of compromise or lowering of frequency. Refer to the chakra care exercises in the 11 techniques on the front page of the session below the pictures. Use your voice, sound, music, and movement to keep the chakras purring. They are the interface between physical and spiritual energies. Regularly speak the affirmative statements for each chakra. Practice daily toning, running sirens of vocal sound up and down to shake off any energetic debris gathered through the course of your daily interactions.

Nervous system care
B vitamins, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Calcium…keep the shelf well stocked. Realize that in the new expanded science neural pathways are plastic, or malleable. We can replace old patterns via intentional and consistent action to keep both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in balance. Understand the power of focus and repetition in facilitating changes within. New neural pathways  can change a lot of your inner world to influence the forms of how life shows up on the outside.

Brain/mind care
The most important element in these new times regarding brain/mind is to know that we are expanding the multidimensional understanding and capacity of these previously limited elements of our design. Unused brain space will come on line as your vibration is raised. That impact will be unique to you so it is pointless to project possibility. Reclaiming and knowing that you are sp much more than the Piscean programming will go a long way in amplifying your mind/brain power. Explore and identify the limiting thought patterns and beliefs and replace them with life affirming ones and watch the sweeping changes that flow in.

Digestive/elimination care
Blocked elimination system is toxic and can poison you. The physical expressed of blocked energy due to fear, anger, and survival issues will make you sluggish, protective, and weak. The tendency will be to vacate the body, where the pain is, and act as if we are OK in some alternate land. The kind of food you ingest , the circumstances surrounding the eating, and the attitude you have while placing it in your body will impact the energetic and physical digestion. Eating high on the food chain will give you vitality and the sun-drenched foods will feed you essential codes that impact the health on a daily basis. Being active supports the movement of the food through the system as well as augmenting metabolism. Adding magnesium, in the form of a supplement called Calm, will not only support the nervous system but also assist in elimination in the bowels. Doses of Vitamin C of 2 grams per hour will not only boost the immune system but will also assist in moving blockages in the digestive tract. Too much of either will give you the runs, which actually can be useful to clear and jumpstart a healthy system. Swallowing your issues and storing them in the sacral chakra will be a catalyst for impacted bowels as well. Do not underestimate the connection between the energetics and the physical.

Conscious energetic release from moments of living
The bottom line is store nothing energetically. The moments of living create emotional and mental response/reactions via perception and patterning. Society supports swallowing emotion and taking care of others at your own expense. Let that go and reclaim the power of letting go of what your daily moments have brought to you. Do not let anything left unsaid before you go to sleep. Telling the source can be counter productive so set up a scenario at the end of the day to speak the unspoken into the toilet. Say it all and then flush it. Your sleep will improve and so will your daily attitude…both attracting higher frequency experiences to you. Movement and exercise as well as sounding the voice, singing, chanting, and tantrums are very effective in consciously cleansing your energetic system daily. Energy attaches to the outer layers of the aura first and then descends towards the physical if they are ignored. Do not ignore them…

Chi care
Keeping your life force active and flowing is a conscious choice that will benefit you abundantly. Chi enters via the subtle body system as well as in the very air you breathe. Learn to breathe deeply and fully and you will see quick results in your reservoir of available energy. Learning Tai Chi or Chi Gung will allow you to implement a host of benefits beyond the amplification and direction of the chi force. Keeping the subtle body channels (meridians, nadis, chakras, aura) clear will allow the chi to move freely following the internal programming as well as the moment by moment needs you may have. Practice of the Pranic Tube empowerment will super charge your chi resources.

Monitoring/adjusting of thoughts
Your thoughts are the energetic magnets that deliver the forms of your life in the now and beyond. Monitoring and adjusting them regularly/constantly, will result in a purring, aligned experience of living. Changing thoughts by replacing them with higher vibration, life affirming ones is well worth the repetitive effort. When you catch a thought that reinforces limitation for you or others say, “cancel” and then replace it with a better one that affirms you. For awhile this can be a constant process as you learn to identify and replace the old thinking paradigm. Be purposeful, directed, and consistent and you will surely transform your life.

Your attention to the internal energetic world will pay dividends in no time. Like so many of these original design elements we are awakening they will reach the point of taking over their own process. Your efforts now will activate them to do what they are meant to do from now on…freeing you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Session Action Seven: Nurturing the Inner Energy Fields