Muscle Testing

Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing had its beginnings  on the energetic healing scene with the Touch for Health courses created by Dr. Thie Goodhart. It is a system that taps into an inner wisdom network that is in constant communication with itself. As the system is energetic it cannot be seen and is based, in many ways, on the belief and willingness to access this unseen force.

Muscle testing offers the ability to make choices from the heart center/mind rather than the thinking mind, creating a bridge to our deeper energetics.

Kryon refers to our innate capacity , which is the greater knowing that is beyond the local mind, expanding into the bigger picture of who we are.

To be effective one can “switch on” by tuning up and cleaning the energetic system. This is an undercurrent requisite for expansion and ascension and, as such, keeps showing up. Clearing the old energetic toxic debris frees us to access our higher vibration and capacities.

Here are some techniques for switching on:

  1. Rub Kidney 27 acupuncture points
  2. Rub the lower belly
  3. Rub the base of the skull
  4. Rub either side of the spine at the upper back and lower back
  5. Sweep hand up the front of the body to encourage energy up the central meridian to the brain
  6. Sip water

One can also prepare energetic field for self testing by doing yoga to open up the front and back sides (Locust Pose, Down Facing Dog) chair dips, and push ups. You can also run your meridians  by moving hand along the two main ones, the Ren channel running up the midline of the front of the body and the Du channel that runs up the back side. Massaging the ears will also wake up your body energetic system. You can also perform a mudra of interlacing the fingers  for 2 minutes while breathing deeply and slowly.


One technique for testing another is to have them extend an arm straight out in front of them. You apply gentle pressure to push the arm down, getting a gauge of their natural resistance. Then speak their true name to them and test. The arm likely remains resistant. Then give them another name and likely the arm will not hold. This is a way of testing yes or no essentially. All questions thus need to be based with this in mind,

Self Testing

There are several methods I have used for self testing. One involves making a circle of the thumb and index finger of the non-dominant hand. Hook that circle with the dominant index finger and attempt to pull apart. If it separates then the answer is no. If it holds,then yes.

You can also create a circle with the thumb and the pinkie of the right hand. With the left hand touch the thumb and index finger together to form a point that then inserts into the right hand circle. Attempt to open the left hand thumb and index finger . If the circle opens too, then no. If not, then yes.

I have also used a technique that works for me involving pointing my palm face out towards an object, situation, person, etc. I ask my yes no question. “Is this in my highest good?” For yes I get a strong sensation in the palm that moves into the body like a rush of energy. Works for me…you may find you can develop a reliable system for yourself as well.


A pendulum is another yes/no tool that is useful. You can purchase a fancy one or make one using cord and a fishing weight. It must have free movement to go in a circle or back and forth. Hold the pendulum string and ask the pendulum to show you yes. It will likely move back and forth in a horizontal or vertical movement. Once established then have it show no, likely the opposite of yes. Pendulum moving in a diagonal is a sign of I don’t know, or indecision. The pendulum seems to have a life of its own, though it can be influenced by your “preferences” to your questions. Minute muscle movements can influence the pendulum to move in the direction you desire. Monitor this a do your best to not program your answer…

Divination Decks

Divination decks, or tarot cards, can be useful in oriviiding guidance, even as a yesno answer. Rather than making a spread of many cards, I simply ask a question and choose a card. It may have insight. Some decks have information on cards that are reversed. In this case a yes and no is simply a card up right for yes and reversed, or upside down, for no. I use the Runes mostly for these types of guidance sessions.

Automatic Writing

This is a fascinating process where you allow the non-dominant hand to reveal information via guidance, as if the guidance comes through the hand of its own volition. Simply pick up a pencil and put it on the paper. Ask for guidance. Likely, if you are open and receptive in belief and action, the pencil will start to move and slowly spell out words. The more you trust and do it the more fluid and legible it becomes. I have used it to contact my personal guides, my Higher Self, my Inner Child Self, and even accessed two personal etheric support beings, Richard and William. Play with this. It can serve you mightily in getting insight to personal challenges. Even doing journaling with the automatic writing can be extremely fruitful.

All of these energetic techniques are outside of our programmed “norm”, so you likely will be having to spend some focused time overcoming resistance and judgment and lack of faith. Give them a chance though and see what happens. It is really nice to have the support and the insight when you need it. Know that you are intentionally building relationship here…so it may take some time. Be sure to extend gratitude at the end of each session.

Session Action Two: Muscle Testing and Other  Inner Wisdom Modalities