Humanity has been taught in the land of exclusivity, thinking that certain capacities were available and claimed/developed by a select few. Silly…this thing intuition is part of the human design. It is a capacity that all can utilize once activated consciously and then exercised into action. Gone are the days when we seek outside help for answers and guidance that we ourselves are much more capable of doing, and doing so in a way that aligns with our own being exclusively, not generically like so many psychics do,

It is time to bring awareness and consistent attention to the development of this innate capacity that you and I hold. And to that end we begin to explore this topic of intuition reconnect. Here is the sequence of how we shall do that:

  1. The Nature of Intuition
  2. Exploring Intuition from Where You Are
  3. Developing Intuitive skills
  4. Opening the Third Eye Center
  5. Intentional Practice
  6. Living in the Intuitive Frequency
  7. Beyond the Undefined Limits

In the meanwhile, I invite you to simply entertain the thought that you are intuitive. Start to make decisions and take action from an expanded space involving the heart and the gut. Good faith action on your “inspirations” builds the muscles of intuition. Have fun and start to see what you are capable of doing by design.

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Expanding New Life Skills 2: Inner Reconnection with Intuition