The Gift of Attention and Focus

That upon which I focus, shall manifest to me
If I Am clear with heartfelt vision, surely I shall receive

Song, Focus, Mark Stanton Welch. C. 1998

To give attention to or to focus upon is to send energy to. When an object or an idea is focused upon the chi, or life force, begins to gather around it. The vibration quickens and gathers all that is necessary to make manifest. Attention is the first step to manifestation.

We, as a culture, have been taught to focus on lack, on what we do not have, on what we are not capable of, on what we wish for…The pull is strong to feel like we do not have enough, that we are not good enough, that we are weak, incomplete. And Universal Law brings this to us over and over because…that is what we focus on. We look in the mirror and find the flaw. We look for mistakes in our work. We find fault with ourselves and others. We criticize and judge ourselves and others. And the cycle continues, fulfilling the law.

It is time to change the focus. The key is to focus only on what we desire, to see it whole and complete, to celebrate the accomplishment or success even before it happens. Living “as if” is one tool that leads us out of lack. We give attention to the form we desire, seeing it, feeling it, imagining how it is to have it, claiming it, giving gratitude that it is so.

This is all great technique that will surely create results. But what about the pull of the old way and the automatic tendency to find fault and see the lack. Well, here are a few ideas and phrases that will help you transition out of that limited belief system. Use the phrase, “How does it get better than this?”, Over and over every day in response to what happens in your moments. It is a direct call to action for the Universe, your guides, to show up and one up what just happened. It allows them to make it better than before. Another statement that frees you from the past is, “Up until now”. This draws a line in your experience and opens up the moment to infinite possibility.

Choose to refine your focusing and create what you deserve and desire, within and without. Accept the gift…

Take some time to observe your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. What are the behaviors and words you use often to direct your focus toward lack or the same old or a limited future? Make a list of your disempowering actions. They can be hard to spot as they often feel like who we are. Notice how feelings can be the vehicles that pull you into an unproductive funk. These energetic patterns are learned and perpetuated by habitual wounds. Begin to see this and identify the wounds. The child self is acting in accordance to decisions to survive. Your adult self is needed to take over these tasks.

Now begin to apply what you have learned. Choose the patterns that are most consistent and most obvious. Catch yourself saying them or doing them. Stop and replace the thought, words, or action with an affirming one. The very act of doing this changes the focus from one of lack to, first, one of observer, then one of new programming to create the desired result. Do this with your list. Yes, it will take time. But the momentum of the shift of focus will reveal a whole lot of sabotage that has been in place. It is well worth the effort here.

Begin to focus on beauty, abundance, what you desire, etc. Even in moments when you feel upset, sad, fearful, angry, turn the focus to something life affirming. You are redirecting the tendency and will soon experience a richer life of things that you just did not notice before. The result is the manifestation of the new. Keep at it. Build a new world through your focus.

Apply the phrases listed above, “Up until now”, and “How does it get any better than this?” See how they invoke a higher frequency and invite in different experiences. In truth, no situation is beyond your resources. It is the focus and the limited thinking that has interfered with your fullness. Using these phrases often will command the multiverse to show up for you in very different ways. Practice it and prove it to yourself.

Simply give attention to only that which serves your higher vibration. Yes, it is that simple…so do it.

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Expansion Activity Thirteen: Receiving Cosmic Gifts