The Gift of Singing for Realignment

The moment we start to explore our voice as a newborn, we are singing. With a magnificent mechanism that so

easily makes sound and moves pitch up and down in a continuum, singing is an effortless joy. When one sings

the chakras open. Singing channels emotion and energetic debris from within the body’s center outward in

expression. As vibrational beings living in an endlessly vibrating world, we are advised to surrender to the flow.

When we truly surrender we start to make sound.

The infant has a soundtrack to their moments of living brought forth by a joy and a desire to explore the voice.

And the mechanism does not disappoint. When the tongue shifts a new tone is made. When the mouth opens and

changes shapes a new tone is made. Try another position and suddenly a host of harmonic overtones are heard.

And then let it move like a siren. Endless play.